Guide to Magic Mushroom Strains Approximately 14,000 mushroom species have been described around the world today.Of these 14,000, just over 180 of these mushrooms are psychoactive (that is, contain psilocybin).
Commentary: On the need for metaphysics in psychedelic therapy and research This article is a commentary on: On the need for metaphysics in psychedelic therapy and researchRead original article .
What Do We Mean by Set and Setting? In the realm of psychedelic substances, the concept of “set and setting” takes on a particularly vital role.
The Importance of Psychedelic Integration As psychedelics go mainstream and become easier to access, more and more people will experiment.
Commentary: ARC: a framework for access, reciprocity and conduct in psychedelic therapies This article is a commentary on: ARC: a framework for access, reciprocity and conduct in psychedelic therapiesRead original article .
Psychedelics and neonihilism: connectedness in a meaningless world The resurgence of psychedelic research explicitly targets treating mental health conditions largely through psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy.
Commentary: Not in the drug, not in the brain: causality in psychedelic experiences from an enactive perspective This article is a commentary on: Not in the drug, not in the brain: Causality in psychedelic experiences from an enactive perspectiveRead original article .
Psychedelic unselfing: self-transcendence and change of values in psychedelic experiences Psychedelic experiences have been shown to both facilitate (re)connection to one’s values and change values, including enhancing aesthetic appreciation, promoting pro-environmental attitudes, and encouraging prosocial behavior. This article presents an empirically informed framework of philosophical psychology to understand how self-transcendence relates to psychedelic value changes. Most of the
Cognitive liberty and the psychedelic humanities This research aims to conceptualize cognitive liberty and the psychedelic humanities by examining their constitutive elements.
Not in the drug, not in the brain: Causality in psychedelic experiences from an enactive perspective Psychedelics are psychoactive substances that receive renewed interest from science and society.
‘More evolved than you’: Evolutionary spirituality as a cultural frame for psychedelic experiences One of the dominant cultural frames for psychedelics in western culture over last 130 years has been evolutionary spirituality.
What good are psychedelic humanities? The revival of psychedelic research has been dominated by the biomedical sciences.Yet it raises questions that cannot be answered by laboratory experiments and clinical trials alone.
Cyberdelics in context: On the prospects and challenges of mind-manifesting technologies The concept of cyberdelics emerged in the 1980s and 1990s as an umbrella term denoting the nexus connecting cybernetic (digital) technologies and psychedelic (mind manifesting) drugs.
The Impressive Benefits of Microdosing There is a groundswell of interest in microdosing plants, herbs, and mushrooms.