EU Commission Bans Bayer Pesticide That’s Harming Bees Another harsh chemical has been banned in the European Union, which has been found to harm bees.
New Moon In Aquarius: Changing It Up We are having a New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th in the West and on the 25th in the East.This is initiating a new 29.5-day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month.
SpaceX’s Satellites Are Messing Up Astronomers’ Observations & It’s Just The Beginning. Satellites launched into space for faster internet speeds are interfering with astronomers' view of the sky, and space.
Is The Universe A Living Organism? (Documentary) The Living Universe - a documentary about consciousness and reality explores the idea of a conscious, living universe.
Solutions You Can Use To Cut Plastic Out of Your Life – For Good Plastic is polluting our environment and our oceans.It is up to us to do our part to protect our planet.Below are some simple ways you can get started.
Keli The Koala Made A Remarkable Recovery After His Near-Death Experience During The Australian Bushfires Keli was found in the bushfires near death, but made a remarkable recovery, one of many Koala's who have.He was found at 275g and was also suffering from a dangerous fungal infection.
A 5000 Year Old Aboriginal Cave Painting of The “Wandjina.” Known As ‘The Sky Beings’ 5000 year old cave art from Australia depicts strange beings that resemble what many perceive to represent the modern day 'Gray Alien.' These beings were known as Wandjina, cloud spirits and sky beings. Ancient cave art depicting peculiar beings has been found all over the world, dating back thousands
A Dialogue From Plato Describing Quantum Physics in 400 BC – Just Like Nikola Tesla Did Plato was one of multiple philosopher's who has described what science is just starting to unravel today.
‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse In Capricorn: A Shift In Ambitions We are having a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn which happens on the night of Christmas in the Americas, and on the 26th everywhere east of there.
Kenyan Region Gets Clean Water After Years of Drought Thanks To A Solar-Powered Saltwater Plant A non profit called GivePower in Kiunga, Kenya, has installed a solar powered water filtration system that is bringing clean drinking water to more than 35,000 people in the region.
Full Moon In Gemini: Learning, Healing, & Inspired Action We are having a Full Moon in Gemini on December 11th-12th, depending on your location.This is the peak of the Lunar cycle that began with a New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th.
“What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change.” – According To The Co-Founder of Greenpeace Dr.Patrick Moore is a founding member of Greenpeace and has been a leading environmental activist around the world for a very long time.
Scientists: Earth’s Magnetic Fields Carry Biologically Relevant Information That ‘Connects All Living Systems’ Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real.
New Moon In Sagittarius: Adjustments & Exploration We are having a New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th in most parts of the world and on the early hours of the 27th in the time zones furthest East.
The Cosmic Secret – A New Documentary That Will Make You Question Your History Books It’s no secret that the UFO and ET field is rife with controversy, people who don’t agree with one another, and people who are passionately trying to open people’s minds to possibility.