Blue supergiant stars open doors to concert in space: Almost all blue supergiants shimmer in brightness because of waves on their surface Since the dawn of humanity, the stars in the night sky have captured our imagination.
Hubble spots a stunning spiral galaxy NGC 2903 is located about 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (the Lion), and was studied as part of a Hubble survey of the central regions of roughly 145 nearby disk galaxies.
Water found in samples from asteroid Itokawa: Up to half of Earth's ocean water may have come from impacts by asteroids The team's findings suggest that impacts early in Earth's history by similar asteroids could have delivered as much as half of our planet's ocean water.
Hubble astronomers assemble wide view of the evolving universe The deep-sky mosaic, created from nearly 7,500 individual exposures, provides a wide portrait of the distant universe, containing 265,000 galaxies that stretch back through 13.3 billion years of time to just 500 million years after the big bang. The faintest and farthest galaxies are just one ten-billionth
Telescopes in space for even sharper images of black holes The idea is to place two or three satellites in circular orbit around the Earth to observe black holes..
New Moon In Taurus: Being Innovative and Practical We are having a New Moon in Taurus on May 4th and 5th, depending on where you are located in the world.
Space Is Not Empty, It’s Actually Full of Energy: The Quantum Vacuum Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.
Multiple Investigations Reveal Secrets About Where US Tax Dollars Are Really Going Multiple investigations and testimony from high ranking sources have discovered that trillions of dollars of our tax dollars are going towards programs that not even the highest ranking people within government know about. Why are we made to believe our taxes dollars are going towards necessary services that favour the
Asteroids help scientists to measure the diameters of faraway stars: New technique doubles resolution of angular size measurements Almost any star in the sky is too far away to be resolved by even the best optical telescopes.
Astronomers discover third planet in the Kepler-47 circumbinary system With its three planets orbiting two suns, Kepler-47 is the only known multi-planet circumbinary system.Circumbinary planets are those that orbit two stars..
CubeSats prove their worth for scientific missions: They may be small, but CubeSats are mighty when it comes to affordably obtaining scientific data in space During the American Physical Society's April Meeting 2019, being held April 13-16, in Denver, Colorado, Christopher S.
NASA's landmark Twins Study reveals resilience of human body in space The Twins Study provides the first integrated biomolecular view into how the human body responds to the spaceflight environment, and serves as a genomic stepping stone to better understand how to maintain crew health during human expeditions to the Moon and Mars. Retired NASA astronauts Scott Kelly and his identical
Mercury has a solid inner core: New evidence Some scientists compare Mercury to a cannonball because its metal core fills nearly 85 percent of the volume of the planet.
NASA's Cassini reveals surprises with Titan's lakes The new findings, published April 15 in Nature Astronomy, are the first confirmation of just how deep some of Titan's lakes are (more than 300 feet, or 100 meters) and of their composition..