Full Moon In Libra: Approaching Changes We are having a 2nd Full Moon in Libra on April 19th; however, it will appear fullest on the night of the 18th in the American continents.
Wikileaks Document Exposes a “Secret US Base on the Moon” A document published by Wikileaks clearly implies that the United States had a "secret" base on the Moon that was destroyed by Russia.
Skilled Army Remote Viewer Reveals Details About The ET Presence On Earth Lyn Buchanan, one of the Stargate army remote viewers, claims, as multiple others within the program have, that he was tasked to find out information on extraterrestrial groups that were/are visiting the planet.
Astronomers find evidence of a planet with a mass almost 13 times that of Jupiter Brazilian astronomers have now found the first evidence of the existence of an exoplanet orbiting an older or more evolved binary in which one of the two stars is dead..
VLA makes first direct image of key feature of powerful radio galaxies: Structure suggested by theorists decades ago The scientists studied Cygnus A, a galaxy some 760 million light-years from Earth..
Dark matter is not made up of tiny black holes Scientists know that 85 per cent of the matter in the Universe is made up of dark matter.Its gravitational force prevents stars in our Milky Way from flying apart.
Solar wind: And the blobs just keep on coming Di Matteo was looking for long trains of massive blobs -- like a lava lamp's otherworldly bubbles, but anywhere from 50 to 500 times the size of Earth -- in the solar wind..
Calculating temperature inside moon to help reveal its inner structure She found the temperature to be between 1,300 and 1,470 degrees Celsius, which is at the high end of an 800 degree range that previous scientists had determined.
Unexpected rain on sun links two solar mysteries Mason, a graduate student at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., was searching for coronal rain: giant globs of plasma, or electrified gas, that drip from the Sun's outer atmosphere back to its surface. But she expected to find it in helmet streamers, the million-mile tall magnetic
“Perfectly Smooth Shell of a Craft” – A Look Inside The Real Secret Space Program Nearly two decades ago, Gary Mckinnon of the UK accesses nearly 100 NASA and Department of Defence, including the US Air Force Space command.
Earth, Water, Air & Fire: Why Is The Fifth Element (Aether) Completely Ignored? Multiple sources show how what we call "Dark Matter" might actually represent the quantum vacuum, a 'substance' that could make up the large majority of our universe.
Scientists Discover A New & Efficient Way To Turn Sunlight Into Fuel A new process is able to effectively turn sunlight into fuel by combining natural processes and human made technologies.
Scientists Call Out “Dark Matter”- Have We Been Wrong About It All Along? Multiple sources show how what we call "Dark Matter" might actually represent the quantum vacuum, a 'substance' that could make up the large majority of our universe.
New Genetic Study Seriously Challenges Darwin’s ‘Theory Of Evolution’ If you have been following genetic and epigenetic studies conducted within the edifices of modern science over the past couple of decades, you likely have suspected what I am about to tell you: Mr.