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The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs & How Much They Make – Look How Ridiculous This Is

CEO pay continues to skyrocket at an exponential pace, as do the wages of the top executives beneath them.

The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs & How Much They Make – Look How Ridiculous This Is

This is that ‘rat race’ we all live in, which sees all of us chasing money — at the expense of nearly everything else. While money is admittedly necessary at this moment to survive and put food on the table, how much is enough? If you view social issues like poverty to be the result of a lack of resources and money, why do so few of us question the current wealth allocation and distribution on the planet? If we were to take very small percentages of pay from the elite ‘1’ percent, we could use that money to feed, clothe, and house everybody on the planet. As a result of this skyrocketing trend, the money of millions of people with pensions, IRAs, and 401 (k) plans continues to be expropriated, and there appears to be nothing we can do about it. Robert Reich, an American political economist, explains the severity of the situation in a recent post on his Facebook page: Why can’t we do anything about this? Because almost all this money is parked in giant mutual funds that don’t want to rock the boat – so they approve these scandalous pay packages. According to a report issued yesterday by shareholder advocacy group “As You Sow” (see below), the giant mutual funds Vanguard Group and BlackRock Inc. – which together manage $7.6 trillion (that’s trillion) — approved pay packages 97 percent of the time last year. TIAA-CREF approved them 94 percent of the time. T. Rowe Price Group Inc. funds supported 92 percent of executive pay plans. Not all funds kiss the derriers of CEOs this much. Fidelity Investment’s mutual funds approved board-backed pay 79 percent of the time; Franklin Templeton, 70 percent; and Dimensional Fund Advisors only 54 percent of the time.

The point is, if you have an IRA or 401(k), it’s your money. And you can switch from a fund that’s in bed with CEOs to one that’s not. You can view the full list HERE. Keep in mind, these are only the disclosed amounts – who knows how much more they could be receiving under the radar? You can view the full list HERE. .

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