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The Cosmic Secret – A New Documentary That Will Make You Question Your History Books

It’s no secret that the UFO and ET field is rife with controversy, people who don’t agree with one another, and people who are passionately trying to open people’s minds to possibility.

The Cosmic Secret – A New Documentary That Will Make You Question Your History Books
More and more research and information is coming forward – some of it verifiable, and some which are stories and accounts where people must decide for themselves which is true or not. Stepping up to the plate to once again offer information and insight to humanity is a new film called The Cosmic Secret from best selling author and renowned researcher David Wilcock. As the film’s synopsis suggests, David sets out to brings together a vast and eclectic knowledge base to present an alternative human history like you have never seen before. Combined with researchers, scientists, archeologists and insiders, The Cosmic Secret will make you question every page in your history book and everything you thought you knew about reality. Who are we? Why are we here? What is our destiny? Questions that have been on the minds of humans for thousands of years, and yet still, complete and fulfilling answers have not been provided, leaving the itch millions have unscratched. Does our past involve extraterrestrials? Are we part of a greater community in our galaxy? Is there evidence of civilizations on our Moon, Mars and other planets? The Cosmic Secret does not disappoint in exploring these questions with intriguing evidence. Further, the film focuses on a subject near and dear to our hearts here at Collective Evolution, and subject we made a film about back in 2012. I’m talking about the shift in consciousness that is taking place on this planet at this time. Why is it that people are questioning things now in a way that is so deep and life altering? Why is the term ‘The Great Awakening’ used so often? What does it mean and what does it refer to? Why are so many people experiencing similar ‘awakenings’ that are leading them to re-think life’s deepest questions – including things like ET life and how we seem to be on the precipice of a change that could re-shape our entire reality. Ask yourself, have you been rapidly learning things about our world that you did not know prior? Has the veil of secrecy been dropping for you? Have you been yearning for a deeper connection to self, others and the cosmos? If so, you’re not alone and this film is a companion for deeper exploration into these questions. In the 2nd and 3rd acts of The Cosmic Secret, this shift is explored as it relates to ancient prophecies and the beliefs and understandings of ancient cultures.

The film speaks of a potential cosmic event, one that could do anything from cause extended darkness, a pole shift, or some sort of energetic change that shifts the way people think instantaneously. I must admit, the idea of one single event occurring to create the change we all know is possible in our hearts has never resonated with me, and to be honest it still doesn’t, but The Cosmic Secret does address this to some extent. In the later parts of the film, an extremely necessary and important message for people to hear is laid out. You’ll learn what we can do to be part of this shift and how we can take action NOW to potentially avoid any need for a cataclysmic event to wake us up out of the collective sleep we are evidently in. Regardless of the differences in opinion we may have in this field, the subject of the shift and how we can shift our consciousness is truly one that unites us all, as it leads to a better world regardless. For this reason alone, I feel this film has importance and feel it’s worth a watch for all those interested in learning more about their place in this journey. You can check out a trailer for The Cosmic Secret below, and watch the film by following this link. Note, CE does not align with everything said in this film, nor all people associated with the film. Regardless we feel the film’s content is valuable in shifting consciousness and it’s important to question all possibilities. We must not lose our curiosity because of our opinions. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.

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