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Thoughts on Net Zero

The focus on climate change has led to cuts in medical services.

Thoughts on Net Zero

This is contributing to over 380,000 British cancer patients facing delays in treatment, reflecting a failing healthcare system.

Net zero policies aren’t the only ones causing suffering in Britain.  Critical social justice policies are also playing a role.  “Racism is rife in Britain – and, as is often the case these days, it seems to be whites who are the victims … I wish someone could explain to me the difference between affirmative action and racism,” Dr. Jack King writes.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Taken from Jack King’s book `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about.’

More than 380,000 British patients have had to wait more than two months to start their cancer treatment. That’s an utter disgrace and yet another sign that Britain has no effective health care. And I don’t think that is an accident. These days health care is designed to kill not to cure. And that is entirely a result of the medical establishment using the myth of climate change as an excuse to cut medical services.

Look at the next 100 adverts you see on TV or in magazines and newspapers. Count the number of white and non-white models being used. And then compare that figure with the percentage of white and non-white citizens. Racism is rife in Britain – and, as is often the case these days, it seems to be whites who are the victims. Non-white applicants to the BBC’s journalism training scheme are almost two and a half times more likely to be awarded places than their white counterparts. In Scotland, the Government complained about the number of white people in top positions – ignoring the fact that 96% of the people living there are white.

The desperate urge to escape from their own version of reality means that half of the adult population in Britain now gamble regularly.

In 1944, the average individual made 40 phone calls a year. Today the average is over 5,000 calls a year (plus emails and texts). It is not generally understood that the technology so loved by those who are pushing us towards Net Zero is itself a major user of fossil fuels. So, for example, AI is a major user of electricity largely produced by oil, gas and coal. A single Chat GPT query can use up to 90 times as much electricity as an internet search while creating one AI image requires as much electricity as 522 smartphone charges. And data centres consume huge amounts of water. By 2030, Chinese data centres alone may use three billion cubic metres of water – that’s the amount required by all the residential users in Singapore.

A leading figure in the Green Party has admitted that he doesn’t have an electric car. I am impressed. I didn’t realise there were any sensible people in the Green Party.

If you live in Scotland and need an appointment with a consultant, you will receive a letter telling you that you have been put on a list to be put on a list to see a consultant. One in ten people in Scotland is currently waiting to see a doctor. Life expectancy in Scotland is falling. And Scotland has the highest rate of drug deaths in Europe. Scotland has a hate-crime law which encourages people to dob in their neighbours at local dobbing in centres (I’m not kidding). If you feel offended by something you overheard then it is your duty as a citizen to report the conversation. What a mess the SNP has made of Scotland. And now the SNP wants to make Scotland an independent nation – free of nasty subsidies from English taxpayers.

To save energy and lead us into Net Zero more speedily, street lights are being turned off or dimmed in England ostensibly to protect Dark Sky areas. Pedestrians who are, as a result, mugged or run over will doubtless be delighted that they have suffered in a good cause. If people want to enjoy a dark sky they should move to the countryside where there is plenty of dark sky to go around.

I wish someone could explain to me the difference between affirmative action and racism. (But since there isn’t any explanation, they can’t.)

The material above was taken from `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you can about’ by Jack King. To purchase a copy please CLICK HERE.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

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