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One World Government and Paedophilia

One World Government and Paedophilia

A tweet posted last month discusses the Committee of 300, its aims of being a One World Government and the conditions its members will foment to bring it about.  

It lists the members as of 1991 and accuses the oligarchs who are involved in the Committee of 300 of controlling the global child sex trafficking operations.

On 3 August 2024, Truth Justice posted a series of three tweets with accompanying videos about the Committee of 300.  The majority of the text is from Dr. John Coleman’s book ‘Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300’ published in 1991, with an introduction and additional comments written by Truth Justice.  The three videos feature Philippe Argillier, Dr. John Coleman and Calin Georgescu.

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Tweet 1: The Shadow Government by Truth Justice

THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: In 2018 it was already decided to remove President Trump from the White House. Trump will never be allowed to win the 2024 Election. The Biden Administration is under the control of the Shadow Government. Facebook is owned by the US Government. Covid-19 planned.

The Shadow Government is the Committee of 300 and Bill Gates is one of the current members of the Committee of 300 which controls all the affairs of the world except for Russia and China.

The Committee of 300 also controls the paedophile systems around the world and all the major human trafficking networks which involve 8 million innocent children a year who are raped, tortured and murdered.

There will never be fair elections in the United States and around the world until the Committee of 300 is removed from our society. They will not let President Trump or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. become President of the United States in 2024.

To understand the Committee of 300 completely I recommend you read the book ‘Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300’ by Dr. John Coleman. Dr. John Coleman was an Intelligence Officer for over 45 years and his book of truth is based on 20 years of relentless research. Below are the goals and names of the Committee of 300 written from his book.

There is also a video post on my page titled ‘Rulers Of Our World’ in which Dr. John Coleman gives a detailed history of the Committee of 300. I strongly advise you to watch the full 60 minutes for the complete truth.

Included in the Committee of 300 Membership:

Are the old families of the European Black Nobility, the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (In Freemason hierarchy and the Order of Skull and Bone), the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee “MORIAH CONQUERING WIND,” the Mumma Group, The National and World Council of Churches, the Circle of Initiates, the Nine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists, The Order of the Elders of Zion, the Nasi Princes, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the United Nations (UN), the Central, British Quator Coronati, Italian P2 Masonry – especially those in the Vatican hierarchy – the Central Intelligence Agency, Tavistock Institute selected personnel, various members of leading foundations and insurance companies named in the lists that follow, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Milner Group- Round Table, Cini Foundation, German Marshall Fund, Ditchley Foundation, NATO, Club of Rome, Environmentalists, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, One World Government Church, Socialist International, Black Order, Thule Society, Anenherbe-Rosicrucianists, The Great Superior Ones, Royal Institute for International Affairs (“RIIA”), the Council on Foreign Relations (“CFR”) and literally hundreds of other organisations.

Some Major Worldwide Committee of 300 Institutions and Organisations are as follows:

Americans for a Safe Israel. Biblical Archaeology Review. Bilderbergers. British Petroleum. Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations. Christian Fundamentalism. Council on Foreign Relations, New York. Egyptian Exploration Society. Imperial Chemical Industries. International Institute for Strategic Studies. Order of Skull and Bones. Palestine Exploration Fund. Poor Knights of the Templars. Royal Dutch Shell Company. Socialist International. South Africa Foundation. Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Temple Mount Foundation. The Atheist Club. The Fourth State of Consciousness Club. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Milner Group. The Nasi Princes. The Order of Magna Mater. The Order of the Divine Disorder. The RIIA. The Round Table. Trilateral Commission. Universal Freemasonry. Universal Zionism. Vickers Armament Company. Warren Commission. Watergate Committee. Wilton Park. World Council of Churches.

Past and present members of the Committee of 300 as of 1991, Bill Gates is a new member:

Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Anderson, Charles A. Anderson, Robert 0. Andreas, Dwayne. Asquith, Lord. Astor, John Jacob and successor, Waldorf. Aurangzeb, Descendants of. Austin, Paul. Baco, Sir Ranulph Balfour, Arthur. Balogh, Lord. Bancroft, Baron Stormont. Baring. Barnato, B. Barran, Sir John. Baxendell, Sir Peter. Beatrice of Savoy, Princess. Beaverbrook, Lord. Beck, Robert. Beeley, Sir Harold. Beit, Alfred. Benn, Anthony Wedgewood. Bennet, John W. Benneton, Gilberto or alternate Carlo. Bertie, Andrew. Besant, Sir Walter. Bethal, Lord Nicholas. Bialkin, David. Biao, Keng. Bingham, William. Binny, J. F. Blunt, Wilfred. Bonacassi, Franco Orsini. Bottcher, Fritz. Bradshaw, Thornton. Brandt, Willy. Brewster, Kingman. Buchan, Alastair. Buffet, Warren. Bullitt, William C. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Bundy, McGeorge. Bundy, William. Bush, George. Cabot, John. Family Designate. Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony. Cadman, Sir John. Califano, Joseph. Carrington, Lord. Carter, Edward. Catlin, Donat. Catto, Lord. Cavendish, Victor C. W. Duke of Devonshire. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Chang, V. F. Chechirin, Georgi or Family Designate. Churchill, Winston. Cicireni, V. or Family Designate. Cini, Count Vittorio. Clark, Howard. Cleveland, Amory. Cleveland, Harland. Clifford, Clark. Cobold, Lord. Coffin, the Rev William Sloane. Constanti, House of Orange. Cooper, John. Family Designate. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count. Cowdray, Lord. Cox, Sir Percy. Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring. Crowther, Sir Eric. Cumming, Sir Mansfield. Curtis, Lionel. d’Arcy, William K. D’Avignon, Count Etienne. Danner, Jean Duroc. Davis, John W. de Benneditti, Carlo. De Bruyne, Dirk. De Gunzberg, Baron Alain. De Lamater, Major General Walter. De Menil, Jean. De Vries, Rimmer. de Zulueta, Sir Philip. de’Aremberg, Marquis Charles Louis. Delano. Family Designate. Dent, R. Deterding, Sir Henri. di Spadaforas, Count Guitierez, (House Douglas-Home, Sir Alec. Drake, Sir Eric. Duchene, Francois. DuPont. Edward, Duke of Kent. Eisenberg, Shaul. Elliott, Nicholas. Elliott, William Yandel. Elsworthy, Lord. Farmer, Victor. Forbes, John M. Foscaro, Pierre. France, Sir Arnold. Fraser, Sir Hugh. Frederik IX, King of Denmark Family Designate. Freres, Lazard. Frescobaldi, Lamberto. Fribourg, Michael. Gabor, Dennis. Gallatin, Albert. Family Designate. Gardner, Richard. Gates, William Henry III Geddes, Sir Auckland. Geddes, Sir Reay. George, Lloyd. Giffen, James. Gilmer, John D. Giustiniani, Justin. Gladstone, Lord. Gloucester, The Duke of. Gordon, Walter Lockhart. Grace, Peter J. Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur. Greenhill, Sir Dennis. Grey, Sir Edward. Gyllenhammar, Pierres. Haakon, King of Norway. Haig, Sir Douglas. Hailsham, Lord. Haldane, Richard Burdone. Halifax, Lord. Hall, Sir Peter Vickers. Hambro, Sir Jocelyn. Hamilton, Cyril. Harriman, Averill. Hart, Sir Robert. Hartman, Arthur H. Healey, Dennis. Helsby, Lord. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty Queen Juliana. Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. Her Royal Highness Queen Margreta. Heseltine, Sir William. Hesse, Grand Duke descendants, Family Designate. Hoffman, Paul G. Holland, William. House of Braganza. House of Hohenzollern. House, Colonel Mandel. Howe, Sir Geoffrey. Hughes, Thomas H. Hugo, Thieman. Hutchins, Robert M. Huxley, Aldous. Inchcape, Lord. Jamieson, Ken. Japhet, Ernst Israel. Jay, John. Family Designate. Keynes, John Maynard. Jodry, J. J. Joseph, Sir Keith. Katz, Milton. Kaufman, Asher. Keith, Sir Kenneth. Keswick, Sir William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L. Keswick, William Johnston. Kimberly, Lord. King, Dr. Alexander. Kirk, Grayson L. Kissinger, Henry. Kitchener, Lord Horatio. Kohnstamm, Max. Korsch, Karl. Lambert, Baron Pierre. Lawrence, G. Lazar. Lehrman, Lewis. Lever, Sir Harold. Lewin, Dr. Kurt. Lippmann, Walter. Livingstone, Robert R. Family Designate. Lockhart, Bruce. Lockhart, Gordon. Linowitz, S. Loudon, Sir John. Luzzatto, Pieipaolo. Mackay, Lord, of Clasfern. Mackay-Tallack, Sir Hugh. Mackinder, Halford. MacMillan, Harold. Matheson, Jardine. Mazzini, Gueseppi. McClaughlin, W. E. McCloy, John J. McFadyean, Sir Andrew. McGhee, George. McMillan, Harold. Mellon, Andrew. Mellon, William Larimer or Family Designate. Meyer, Frank. Michener, Roland. Mikovan, Anastas. Milner, Lord Alfred. Mitterand, Francois. Monett, Jean. Montague, Samuel. Montefiore, Lord Sebag or Bishop Hugh. Morgan, John P. Mott, Stewart. Mountain, Sir Brian Edward. Mountain, Sir Dennis. Mountbatten, Lord Louis. Munthe, A., or family designate. Naisbitt, John. Neeman, Yuval. Newbigging, David. Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal. Norman, Montague. O’Brien of Lotherby, Lord. Ogilvie, Angus. Okita, Saburo. Oldfield, Sir Morris. Oppenheimer, Sir Earnest, and successor, Harry. Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech). Orsini, Franco Bonacassi. Ortolani. Umberto. Ostiguy, J.P.W. Paley, William S. Pallavacini. Palme, Olaf. Palmerston. Palmstierna, Jacob. Pao, Y.K. Pease, Richard T. Peccei, Aurellio. Peek, Sir Edmund. Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal. Perkins, Nelson. Pestel, Eduard. Peterson, Rudolph. Petterson, Peter G. Petty, John R. Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh. Piercy, George. Pinchott, Gifford. Pratt, Charles. Price Waterhouse, Designate. Radziwall. Ranier, Prince. Raskob, John Jacob. Recanati. Rees, John Rawlings. Rees, John. Rennie, Sir John. Rettinger, Joseph. Rhodes, Cecil John. Rockefeller, David. Role, Lord Eric of Ipsden. Rosenthal, Morton. Rostow, Eugene. Rothmere, Lord. Rothschild Elie de or Edmon de and/or Baron Rothschild Runcie, Dr. Robert. Russell, Lord John. Russell, Sir Bertrand. Saint Gouers, Jean. Salisbury, Marquisse de Robert Gascoiugne Cecil. Shelburne, The Salisbury, Lord. Samuel, Sir Marcus. Sandberg, M. G. Sarnoff, Robert. Schmidheiny, Stephan or alternate brothers Thomas, Alexander. Schoenberg, Andrew. Schroeder. Schultz, George. Schwartzenburg, E. Shawcross, Sir Hartley. Sheridan, Walter. Shiloach, Rubin. Silitoe, Sir Percy. Simon, William. Sloan, Alfred P. Smuts, Jan. Spelman. Sproull, Robert. Stals, Dr. C. Stamp, Lord Family designate. Steel, David. Stiger, George. Strathmore, Lord. Strong, Sir Kenneth. Strong, Maurice. Sutherland. Swathling, Lord. Swire, J. K. Tasse, G. Or Family Designate. Temple, Sir R. Thompson, William Boyce. Thompson, Lord. Thyssen-Bornamisza, Baron Hans Henrich. Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey. Turner, Sir Mark. Turner, Ted. Tyron, Lord. Urquidi, Victor. Van Den Broek, H. Vanderbilt. Vance, Cyrus. Verity, William C. Vesty, Lord Amuel. Vickers, Sir Geoffrey. Villiers, Gerald Hyde family alternate. Volpi, Count. von Finck, Baron August. von Hapsburg, Archduke Otto, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine. Von Thurn and Taxis, Max. Wallenberg, Peter or Family Designate. Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr. Warburg, S. C. Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara. Warner, Rawleigh. Warnke, Paul. Warren, Earl. Watson, Thomas. Webb, Sydney. Weill, David. Weill, Dr. Andrew. Weinberger, Sir Caspar. Weizman, Chaim. Wells, H. G. Wheetman, Pearson (Lord Cowdray). White, Sir Dick Goldsmith. Whitney, Straight. Wiseman, Sir William. Wittelsbach. Wolfson, Sir Isaac. Wood, Charles. Young, Owen.

The Evil Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions:

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practising the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, luciferianism and witchcraft shall be recognised as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools. All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government.

To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase, it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one’s racial origin.

Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time. The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA, Social Security shall be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States.

Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were taken away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens. Women will be degraded through the continued process of “women’s liberation” movements. Free sex shall be mandatory.

Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practised after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government’s regional computers. If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilisation to be carried out.

Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theatre of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of “recreational” drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people. Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner, the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behaviour of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.

The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligarchical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labour camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law. Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist.

Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nuclear-powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the Earth’s resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill “quotas.”

At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organised epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the white populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.

After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall be limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO’s Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons.

All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be registered in the central computer data bank and no medicine or medical care will be prescribed without express permission of regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village.

The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. Food and shelter shall be the main concern.

No central bank save the Bank of International Settlement and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government. Those who break the law will be instantly executed.

There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of digital currency which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her digital currency suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement.

Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their digital currency is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade “old” coins, that is to say, silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles.

Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles.

If the offence is a serious one, the digital currency will be shut off at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight. Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever shall likewise be shot. Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead.

Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed to wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and UN observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place before the takeover of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.

All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as “entertainment” in the manner in which it was practised and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from “disloyal parents,” shall receive special education designed to brutalise them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labour camp system.

The above was written in 1991 by Dr. John Coleman. We can already see many of these things happening today. We must act now to stop this from happening.

Most Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world are controlled and were installed by the Committee of 300. The Committee of 300 also controls all the intelligence agencies such as MI6 and the CIA which are their most powerful tools to accomplish their goals.

To restore America and humanity we must do away with the Committee of 300. This is the head of the snake that must be cut off. It will take a global effort of bravery and action. It must be done or we will lose America and the rest of the world to a global tyranny.

They have already killed millions of innocent people and plan on killing millions more. They will not stop unless we physically stop them by force. This is the reality of humanity’s fate. Criminals and mass murderers do not surrender their power. It must be taken from them for the sake of all humanity.

[Related: Shocking Investigation discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & built a Global Vaccine Regime]

Tweet 2: The Committee of 300 by Truth Justice

THE COMMITTEE OF 300: The destruction and control of America and the World. The depopulation of millions of innocent people. The public execution of President John F. Kennedy. The control of U.S. Elections and elections around the world. The release of AIDS and deadly viruses.

This is the work of the insidious Committee of 300. How long will America and humanity allow them to continue this rule of corruption, death and destruction? They will not give up their power. It must be forcibly removed from them. They are moving forward with the following agenda unless we stop them.

[Included in Tweet 2 is the section ‘The Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions’ and a list of ‘Past and present members of the Committee of 300 as of 1991: Bill Gates is a new member’.  These are the same as was included in Tweet 1 above. We have only included it once.  See Tweet 1 above except for the additional paragraphs as noted.]

The Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions:

[The same as in Tweet 1 above followed by]: The above was written in 1991 by Dr. John Coleman. Dr. John Coleman was an Intelligence Officer for over 45 years and his book of truth is based on 20 years of relentless research.

We can already see many of these things happening today. The Committee of 300 has already penetrated and subverted all governments through the World Economic Forum and the United Nations to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

The Committee of 300 has already taken control of the education system in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. They have now targeted our innocent children through homosexuality, transgenderism and paedophilia. They operate and control the world’s paedophile systems.

The Committee of 300 must come to its swift end. They are in control of America right now and are the ones who orchestrated the fraudulent 2020 Election and put corrupt Biden in the White House. They will not allow Trump or Kennedy to be President of the United States. We must do what must be done. We must end the Committee of 300 once and for all for the sake of our innocent children and the sake of all humanity.

These are their names. These are the people that want to eliminate you and control you. These are the people who have been ruling our world for over 150 years through death and chaos inflicted upon billions of innocent people. These are the same people creating world wars for profits and deaths. These are the people behind engineered viruses and diseases that were released upon the world killing millions. These are the people that must be removed from our world.

Past and present members of the Committee of 300 as of 1991, Bill Gates is a new member:

[The same as in Tweet 1 above followed by]: Most Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world are controlled and were installed by the Committee of 300. There are thousands of people such as Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum, who work for the Committee of 300 to accomplish their will and purpose but are not direct members of the Committee of 300. They too must be removed from our society.

The Committee of 300 also controls all the intelligence agencies such as MI6 and the CIA which are their most powerful tools to accomplish their goals worldwide.

To restore America and humanity we must do away with the Committee of 300. This is the head of the snake that must be cut off. It will take a global effort of bravery and action. It must be done or we will lose America and the rest of the world to a future of global tyranny.

They have already killed millions of innocent people and plan on killing billions more. They are coming after our children; they are sexualising them and want to legalise paedophilia. They will not stop unless we physically stop them by force. This is the reality of humanity’s fate. Criminals and mass murderers do not surrender their power. It must be taken from them for the sake of all humanity. They think they are gods themselves, the Olympians [also known as the Committee of 300] who have the right to decide who lives and who dies. They are gravely mistaken and their rule must come to a swift end.

[Related: Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic]

Tweet 3: The Paedophile Oligarchs

THE PAEDOPHILE OLIGARCHS: United Nations Club of Rome whistle-blower confirms the Oligarchs control all the systems of paedophilia in the World. 8,000,000 children disappear every year. The UN, WEF, Presidents and Prime Ministers are under their control except for President Trump.

President Trump was an accident, the Oligarchs did not expect him to win and yes, they make mistakes and Trump was a mistake that they will never let happen again. A billionaire whistle-blower who worked for them for 50 years confirms this in the first video of this thread [Philippe Argillier]. Watch all three videos in this thread for the complete truth about the Oligarchs known as the Committee of 300.

Calin Georgescu goes on to say that the pandemic was planned for 2016 and the food and water shortages were planned for 2020, but now it has been moved to the year 2025. They have already started this food shortage by attacking the farming industry worldwide and buying up all the farmland.

The United Nations 2030 agenda is the same as the Davos (WEF) agenda, these non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) are both involved in global child sex trafficking along with the CIA, which is their major tool for corruption. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposed this in great detail, you can find the video of this on my page. [Note from the Exposé: We were unable to find the video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposing the global child sex trafficking operations.  However, there are other resources on exposing these crimes on Truth Justice’s Twitter profile.]

More than 8 million children every year disappear, 8 million is the entire population of Austria. They disappear without any information. This criminal act has to be stopped. We must fight for our children. We must protect them. This is our God-given duty.

The most innocent of innocence, children 2 years old,5 years old are being terrorised, tortured, murdered and sold as sex slaves, raped up to 40 times a day for years and then these innocent children are cut open and their organs are sold for thousands of dollars around the world.

These millions of innocent children are suffering unimaginable pain and torture every day and we as humanity are allowing it. We know who these Oligarchs are, they are the Committee of 300. All their names are listed in the 2 videos above. Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, these are a few of the Oligarchs who control the paedophile systems in our world. How long will we let them do this evil and atrocities to God’s children?

The Committee of 300, these Oligarchs have been controlling our world for over 150 years. They have created all the major wars in the world, killing millions of innocent people. They created Covid-19, AIDS and all the Pandemics starting with the Influenza Pandemic in 1918 killing millions while making billions in profits.

Now they are using the lie of climate change to restrict food production. They are behind the $150 Billion human child trafficking operations around the world. They control everything, except the human heart. This is the evil that must be exposed and eradicated from our society for the sake of the millions of innocent children and for the sake of all humanity. They must be forcibly removed from our society. The Committee of 300 is the Head of the Snake that must come off.

[Related: Most people trust the United Nations and that may well be the root of our problem]

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