WHO staff rape children and UN “peacekeepers” kill and injure civilians, yet they demand more control over our lives Not only is the World Health Organisation’s Director-General a terrorist, but WHO has rapists and terrorists on its staff.
The Existence of Elite Pedophile Rings is NOT Shocking! A former long time US government insider, Steve Pieczenik, recently tweeted about elite level pedophilia, hashtagging it on twitter and emphasizing that it's "NOT! Surprising." With so many people like Steve speaking out, why do many of us still believe this is a conspiracy when there is evidence that women
FBI Chief Exposes MK Ultra Programs That Murder, Use, & Traffic Children – High Level People Involved Never before has so much been exposed in the mainstream about those we call our ‘leaders,’ those we ‘vote’ for, and those who appear one way in front of the masses, but represent something completely different when it comes to getting things done. 2016 seems to be a landmark year
Australian Prime Minister’s Apology: Did He Really Just Mention “Ritual Sexual Abuse?” In his public apology to the people of Australia based on the findings of a Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison used the term 'ritual sexual abuse.' Does this signify the beginning of 'official' public disclosure about the prevalence of Satanic
Former CIA Officer & ITNJ Chief Counsel Shares Reality Of Elite Child Trafficking Child trafficking goes far beyond the sexual abuse of children.As Robert David Steele explains, it deals with torture, ritual abuse, organ harvesting and much more.