Dr. Rashid Buttar: There is something of a critical nature we all need to be aware of “There is something of a critical nature that we all need to be aware of,” Dr.
Water and Homeopathy: Discoveries at Science's Cutting Edge STORY AT-A-GLANCE Editor's Note: This article is a reprint.
Male Loneliness: Finding Connection Through Psychedelics Loneliness has long been a problem for many people, and while it affects both men and women, it seems that men are more affected by this issue.
Gulf States: Migrant Workers at Serious Risk from Dangerous Heat (Beirut) – Migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council countries lack sufficient health and safety protection from the region’s extreme summertime heat and humidity, Human Rights Watch said today.
Scientists prove Graphene Nanobots are in the Covid Jabs and are being transmitted from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated Prepare yourself for a journey into the heart of darkness, where science fiction becomes reality, and the true horrors of nanotechnology are revealed.
PMS and Psychedelics: Follow the Moon Psychedelics and menstruation may not be a common combination in conversation.
Rockefeller partners with WHO to control the world in the event of “pandemics” caused by “climate change” On Tuesday, The Rockefeller Foundation announced it had partnered with the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) “to expand global pandemic preparedness in an era of climate change.” The Rockefeller Foundation launched the partnership with the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence on the side lines of the 76th World Health
9 Truths about People Who Are Obsessed with Appearance Are you obsessed with appearance and beauty standards? Well, it may not be as normal as you think.
Pfizer donations to organisations in 2021 Aaron Siri tweeted a summary of donations made by Pfizer in 2021 to American universities, hospitals, medical associations, cancer organisations and medical organisations. “Pfizer donations to [those] organisations in 2021, of course, had no influence on those organisations’ Covid-19 vaccine guidance,” he tweeted with maybe more than a hint of
Excess Deaths Are Exploding, Experts Remain Stumped According to a May 11, 2023, report by the British Express, Britons are dying by the tens of thousands, “but no one knows why.” Between May and December 2022 alone, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, according to data released by the Ofice for National Statistics
Caring for Veterans with Plant Medicines: Cannabis and Psychedelics As we approach Memorial Day, it is essential to remember and honor our veterans who have served and sacrificed for our country.
‘One Health’ will give WHO’s Dictator General power to initiate climate lockdowns The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHRs”) and the Pandemic Treaty both incorporate the “One Health” approach. One Health has little definition or structure and is sold using vague strings of words and phrases that are meaningless and often confusing. This is deliberate and in the same vein
FDA approves first gene therapy ointment Biotech companies are getting creative with how they deliver DNA fixes into people’s bodies. Last Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) approved sales of the first gene therapy that is an ointment directly applied to the body – as well as the first intended to be used on
Poland: Proposed Law Threatens Children’s Rights (London) – Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has published proposed legislation that, if passed, would undermine children’s rights to education, health, and information, Human Rights Watch said. On May 4, 2023, the PiS announced its draft amendment to the Education Law Act called “Protect Children, Support Parents,
Voters Share Negative Emotions About Biden: 'Panicked, Concern, Worry' Nearly all swing state voters experienced negative emotions toward President Joe Biden when they viewed footage of him in a recent focus group, describing their feelings as sad, concerned, worried, and panicked. Published Monday, a Washington Post-backed focus group by the research firms Engagious and Sago offered terrible assessments of