‘I Lost Everything’: Russia’s War on Ukraine’s Civilians My colleagues and I spent the past year documenting apparent war crimes and other atrocities of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Global trends in research related to emergence delirium, 2012–2021: A bibliometric analysis Introduction: Emergence delirium is a kind of mental disorder during the early awakening period after general anesthesia, which is manifested as the combination of perceptual disturbance and psychomotor agitation. It is an independent risk factor for postoperative delirium and even long-term postoperative cognitive decline, which often affects the postoperative outcome
The Myths of St. Valentine’s Day St.Valentine’s Day has become a keystone holiday within the cultural zeitgeist of America.
UK Government’s ambitions to increase ineffective wind power generation would cost £154 billion The total cost to double the UK’s wind power generation is $185 billion (£154 billion).
Inside the Iron Cage “No one knows who will live in this [iron] cage in the future….” Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism I would prefer not to relay the following very strange story given to me by a fellow sociologist, but he had done me a number of favors,
Gaza: Sisters at Risk After Return to Father (Gaza) – Gaza authorities should urgently ensure the safety and freedom of two adult sisters reported to be in forced confinement at the hands of their father and at risk of serious harm since their forcible return a month ago, Human Rights Watch said today. The two women, Wissam al-Tawil, 23,
France Should Change its Laws to Fight Impunity for Serious Crimes A landmark conviction in Germany of a former Syrian intelligence official for crimes against humanity a year ago was a breakthrough in the fight for justice for atrocities in Syria.
Love Spells for the Witch in You Love is in the air and with it comes the undeniable power of the love spell.Sex, held hands, shared kisses– all of this intimacy creates quite an emotional buzz.
Killing of Tyre Nichols Shows Structural Problems in US Policing The United States is bracing for further details in yet another horrific police killing of a Black man, this time Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee.
The Long – Yet Still Uneven – Arc of International Justice The events of 2022 brought renewed attention and support for accountability for serious international crimes.
AIDS – The True Story It is now clear that AIDS was the first attempt to convince the world that everyone was threatened by a new pandemic.
Morocco: Saudi Man at Risk of Forced Return (Beirut) – Moroccan authorities may extradite a Saudi citizen to Saudi Arabia, where he is at serious risk of arbitrary detention, torture, and an unfair trial, Human Rights Watch said today.
Report: Socialist Argentina and Brazil Plan Joint South American Currency The leftist governments of Argentina and Brazil will soon begin proceedings for the creation of a new common currency, tentatively called “sur” (South), the Financial Times claimed in a report on Sunday. The goal of the project would reportedly be reducing regional reliance on the American dollar and creating the
In Belarus, Jailed for Protecting Loved Ones Last week, a court in Brest, Belarus sentenced Daria Losik to two years in prison for an interview she gave about her incarcerated husband, Ihar Losik, to independent broadcaster Belsat, which Belarusian authorities have labeled extremist. The court found that by calling her husband a political prisoner and criticizing authorities
West Bank: New Entry Rules Further Isolate Palestinians (Jerusalem) – New Israeli guidelines on access to the West Bank for foreigners threaten to further isolate Palestinians from loved ones and global civil society, Human Rights Watch said today.