George Soros, where is my money? How the psycho-social mind gets intensively manipulated by the use that media makes of ideas and the object that these ideas recall on the society as a whole
Nostalgic for the Future Despite its pedigree as a fundamental element in civilization’s greatest stories, nostalgia has come to be associated with treacly sentimentality, defeatism, and spurious spiritual inclinations. Homer, Vergil, Dante, the Biblical writers, and their ilk would demur, of course, but they have been dead for a few years, so progress’
Are You Tired of Being Alone? Consider These 8 Uncomfortable Truths As we’ve covered many times before, being alone and being lonely are two different things.
Communing with Camus in 2022 Albert Camus, Michel y Jeannine Gallimard by Antonio Marín Segovia (source) The person with whom we are all most intimate is oneself. It’s just the way it is. I don’t mean that in some oracular Delphic “know thyself” way, or in any deep psychoanalytical sense, but very simply.
The Age of Intolerance: Cancel Culture’s War on Free Speech “Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.” George Carlin Cancel culture—political correctness amped up on steroids, the self-righteousness of a narcissistic age, and a mass-marketed pseudo-morality that is little more than fascism disguised as tolerance—has shifted us into an Age of Intolerance, policed by techno-censors, social media
Harmless Untruths In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Cat’s Cradle, the deadpan realist from the Midwest–the 20th century’s Mark Twain–delivers an instructive review of the way in which Americans hold scientists in exceedingly high esteem—and the perils therein. One of his characters is scientist Felix Hoenikker. Hoenikker
The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that’s no accident Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you’re lying, is the purest form of power. “Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.
5 Philosophical Questions That Will Blow Your Mind Some philosophical questions are so difficult you could tie yourself up in mental knots trying to understand them.
When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon of the observer and the observed. Despite having no university-level training, much less formal education in the sciences, Krishnamurti had, through his
AUDIO: Misrepresenting Humanity on a Grand Scale Vanessa Beeley sits down with researcher, economic reform activist, free speech advocate & soul singer Ian Jenkins, to discuss the worst of the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the most vulnerable of society. Governments do not care about these marginalised communities and the measures imposed upon them do nothing to alleviate
Misrepresenting Humanity on a Grand Scale Vanessa Beeley sits down with researcher, economic reform activist, free speech advocate & soul singer Ian Jenkins, to discuss the worst of the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the most vulnerable of society. Governments do not care about these marginalised communities and the measures imposed upon them do nothing to alleviate
End of Privacy? Facial Recognition App Enables Photographer to Identify Random People on the Subway This facial recognition app will make you rethink the privacy you believe you have. The international hype of posting photos of yourself in various life situations has expanded over the past 10 years. People are posting more and more photos of themselves in all different situations and less or more
Resolve to Refine: The New New Year’s Resolution If you’re one of the roughly 30 percent of Americans set on resolving for a better year in 2022, you’re likely looking to lose weight, get in shape, or save more money—classic ideals that have come to define our Januarys. And yet, despite our best intentions, the
5 Deep Questions Every Old Soul Has Asked Themselves If you are an old soul, you may often ask yourself deep questions about what it is to be human, what your life purpose might be and who you truly are. An old soul often feels nostalgic for something they are not sure exists and homesick for a place they