15 Words Shakespeare Invented & You Are Still Using Them I remember reading Macbeth at school and being instantly beguiled.Here was a world rich with layered meaning, coloured by vivid metaphors and expertly finessed into a captivating moral story.
Dynamics of the Sphere Model of Consciousness: Silence, space, and self The Sphere Model of Consciousness (SMC) delineates a sphere-shaped matrix that aims to describe the phenomenology of experience using geometric coordinates.
British English vs American English: 16 Curious Word Differences George Bernard Shaw wrote: “England and America are two countries separated by a common language.” It’s easy to see why.
Taking Pictures Of What You Are Doing Changes Your Experience Of It You see it pretty well everywhere you go: whether you are at concert, sports game, touristdestination, or even on something as ordinary as a subway train, there always seems to be at least one person taking a picture. While this is largely because the majority of us are now walking
Why Is The Western Caucasian Image Of Beauty Something We Are Made To Idolize?? An ideal image of what it means to be physically "beautiful" has been beamed into the minds of the masses for quite a while.Skin-lightening in itself is its own market.
How A Future Without Money Would Work Several brave thinkers, including Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project and Colin Turner of the Free World Charter, have proposed ways in which a future society could thrive if we eliminated money and trade and instead built a resource-based economy. The first step in any new paradigm is believing it's
20 Sophisticated Synonyms for Jerk to Use in an Intelligent Conversation Sometimes I want to describe a situation where a person is a complete jerk, but I don’t want to use that particular word.
10 Philosophical Movies That Will Make You Reconsider Your Whole Existence Watching philosophical movies can be a way of engaging with, learning about, and actively partaking in philosophy.
12 Interesting Word Origins You Had No Idea about Our use of language makes us human.Yet, we pay little attention to where words come from.Well, here are 12 interesting word origins you may have had no idea about.
Artist with Alzheimer’s Drew Himself for 5 Years: Here Are His First and Last Self-Portraits For years, an artist with Alzheimer’s disease created self-portraits.His unique yet gradually distorted view of himself is interesting.
Terrence Malick: the Intriguing Movies and Philosophy Terrence Malick’s movies are unique, but they are also divisive.You either like them or you don’t.
The Online Double-bind Thanks to engin akyurt for sharing their work on Unsplash. The trap was set at least twenty-five years ago and the mice jumped at the smell of the cheese. I am referring to the introduction of the computer as a mass necessity and the Internet that followed. I was slow
Study Finds That Cloth Masks Can Increase Healthcare Workers Risk of Infection A study published in 2015 found that cloth masks can increase healthcare workers risk of infection.It also called into question the efficacy of medical masks.
Death: A Simple Idea with a Powerful Punch Since death is one idea that has no history except as an idea and not a reality any of us have experienced, it is the most frightening idea there is and also quite simple.