Study: Organic Diet “Significantly Reduces” Urinary Pesticide Levels In Children & Adults A 2019 study published in the journal Environmental Research found that an organic diet significantly reduced the pesticide levels in children and adults.
Consciousness in solitude: is social interaction really a necessary condition? Recently, Cleeremans and colleagues presented their Self-Organizing metarepresentational account (SOMA) of consciousness.
An Invitation to Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies In lieu of writing reviews of their own books – with the exception of Walt Whitman, who did that with Leaves of Grass – writers often write introductions or prefaces. The purpose of such introductions is to give the prospective readers a sense of what to expect in the pages that follow,
Twitter is Blocking Access to OffG’s Content Twitter is blocking all links to OffG with an incredibly vague and highly dishonest “warning”, they have been doing it for weeks and we have never received any notice or explanation. It is a blatant attempt at censorship, and it needs to stop. Any of you who follow us on
Extraordinary Cases of Children Remembering Their Past Lives Reincarnation is a fascinating subject that has remained on the fringe of scientific study for too long.Fortunately, it has recently begun to attract serious interest from the scientific community.
The End of Reality? Photo by Tobias Bjerknes on Unsplash In 1888, the year before he went insane, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the following in Twilight of the Idols: We have got rid of the real world: what world is left? The apparent world perhaps? … But no! Along with the real world we’ve done
Our reality isn’t physical. It’s Spiritual Mental & Immaterial Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University Richard Conn Henry published a paper in the journal Nature titled "The Mental Universe" emphasizing how metaphysics plays a central role in understanding the nature of our reality. Are we metaphysical beings? What impact does our collective consciousness have on our
A map of consciousness studies: questions and approaches This paper aims to present a map of consciousness studies, which consists of a list of fundamental questions about consciousness and existing approaches to them.
Groundbreaking Documentary Showcases Solutions To Make The World Truly Thrive A new documentary from the creators of Thrive aims to showcase technological solutions to help our world thrive.
15 Words Shakespeare Invented & You Are Still Using Them I remember reading Macbeth at school and being instantly beguiled.Here was a world rich with layered meaning, coloured by vivid metaphors and expertly finessed into a captivating moral story.
Dynamics of the Sphere Model of Consciousness: Silence, space, and self The Sphere Model of Consciousness (SMC) delineates a sphere-shaped matrix that aims to describe the phenomenology of experience using geometric coordinates.
British English vs American English: 16 Curious Word Differences George Bernard Shaw wrote: “England and America are two countries separated by a common language.” It’s easy to see why.
Taking Pictures Of What You Are Doing Changes Your Experience Of It You see it pretty well everywhere you go: whether you are at concert, sports game, touristdestination, or even on something as ordinary as a subway train, there always seems to be at least one person taking a picture. While this is largely because the majority of us are now walking
Why Is The Western Caucasian Image Of Beauty Something We Are Made To Idolize?? An ideal image of what it means to be physically "beautiful" has been beamed into the minds of the masses for quite a while.Skin-lightening in itself is its own market.
How A Future Without Money Would Work Several brave thinkers, including Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project and Colin Turner of the Free World Charter, have proposed ways in which a future society could thrive if we eliminated money and trade and instead built a resource-based economy. The first step in any new paradigm is believing it's