10 Little-Known Origins of Words That Come from People’s Names Does anyone fancy a ham and cheese stamford? You might be eating one right now if that particular Earl had invented what we all now know as the sandwich.
Join IONS In Creating Humanity’s Future NOW At The Possibility Accelerator Conference Founded by Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the moon, Dr.Edgar Mitchell, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is profoundly changing the way we view reality.
Ex-Government Physicist Shares What He Knows About ‘Activating’ ESP (Psi) Dreaming Dale E.Graff, a physicist and former director of the US government/Stanford remote viewing program shares his knowledge about dreaming, and how we can all experience what he calls 'Psi' dreaming.
Everyday Activism: Little Effort, Big Results I've enacted a simple strategy to make a difference.You can too, and it feels great.How good it feels to make a big impact with little effort..
Gates Foundation Funded Fact-Checker POLITIFACT censors GreenMedInfo on Facebook for Reposting Accurate Vaccine Meme Yet another independent media outlet is attacked for sharing content that questions vaccines..
Genetically Modified Babies. The Genetic Editing of Human Life is “Big Business” Despite government regulations and ethical issues, there are powerful corporate interests involved in the development and patenting of genetic editing of life forms.
23 Weird Words That Have Different Meanings to Those You Imagine For example, take the word bucolic.If you didn’t already know what this word meant, you might surmise that it was a medical word connected to an illness of the lungs perhaps.
Is ‘The New Age Movement’ Pure Deception As Doreen Virtue Implies? Doreen Virtue, once a prominent figure in the New Age movement, has now turned to Christianity and warns of the dangers of all things New Age.
Space Is Not Empty, It’s Actually Full of Energy: The Quantum Vacuum Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.
Why Kant’s Philosophy Is Extremely Relevant to Modern Society What can Kant’s philosophy offer to modern people? The answer is: surprisingly much.Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in Königsberg, Prussia.
Why Kant Philosophy Is Extremely Relevant to Modern Society Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in Königsberg, Prussia.Kant philosophy thrived during the enlightenment period.
The Perversion Of Wikipedia: Skepticism As A Tool For The Censorship Of New Ideas Wikipedia, the people's encyclopedia, a supposed resource for the open sharing of wisdom and knowledge, is violating its own policies and non-profit status by favoring donors' worldview through exerting undue editorial influence. If we can't trust Wikipedia, the people's encyclopedia, does that mean we can't trust anything we hear and
The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About This article was written by Sayer Ji, Founder of Greenmedinfo,com where it was originally posted.Published here with permission.
Farmer Gives His Cows To A Sanctuary After Seeing Them “Terrified” A Cattle farmer turned vegan and gave his whole £50,000 herd to an animal sanctuary because he could no longer bear seeing them 'terrified' on the way to the abattoir.
Embodied Spirituality: The Truth Shall Set You Free There are truths, despite what our president would want us to believe.