Personality in the Workplace: 9 Most Difficult Types Over the years, I’ve worked in a lot of different jobs.From factory floors to secretarial roles, it doesn’t seem to matter which.
Coronavirus: The Cognitive Epidemic Yesterday morning, I sat down to write an article about a Bulletproof Radio episode that Dave Asprey diffused last week about this coronavirus.
4 Most Interesting Theories of Intelligence in Psychology Intelligence and how we gain it has been a puzzle for centuries, but there are four theories in psychology I think you’ll find most interesting.
6 Cognitive Effects That Distort the Way You Think Cognitive effects can distort the way you think, increase anxiousness, and lead to numerous other difficulties.
Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon: a Curious Cognitive Effect Have you ever learned about a new word, fact, idea or product and subsequently see it everywhere around you? This curious cognitive effect is known as the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.
What Is Projective Identification & How It Works in Everyday Life Projective identification is a complex psychological phenomenon that can be used as a defense mechanism and as a tool of interpersonal communication.
The Last Words of Stephen Hawking Addressed to Humanity For those who haven’t read Stephen Hawking’s latest and final book, I’m here to share his last words and a few of his ideas about humanity.
4 Time Travel Theories and the Physics Behind Them Time travel has been the subject of many science-fiction books and films for the last few decades.
Brain and Emotions: How Anger, Fear or Love Work in Your Brain The human brain is incredibly complex.Neuroscientists are still uncovering hidden depths to this intriguing organ.and there is still a lot that we don’t know about it.
Mirror-Touch Synesthesia: the Extreme Version of Empathy When a person says ‘I feel your pain,’ you take it to mean emotionally, not physically.But people that suffer from mirror-touch synesthesia feel exactly that; other people’s physical pain.
Trippy Talk: How Deeply Do Psychedelics Heal You? In his book, The Fellowship of the River, family physician Dr.Joe Tafur discovers the healing power of ayahuasca.
19th-Century Photos of Snowflakes Under a Microscope Show the Captivating Beauty of Nature’s Creations Every snowflake is different, and yet, curiously the same.Why is this? Well, the fluffy edges and lengths are various, but each snowflake always has the same number of points.
Ayahuasca Helps with Grief A recent study shows that ayahuasca helps to alleviate the severity of grief.
Spiral of Silence Theory Explains Why You’d Rather Stay Quiet During the 1970s, Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist, developed the spiral of silence theory.
The Friendship Paradox Reveals the Weird Reason You Are Less Popular Than Your Friends Have you ever noticed that the people you hang out with always seem to be more popular than you? Whether it’s down at the gym, on social media, or even at work, it is common for people to notice that their friends seem fitter, more popular, and more successful.