

Articles related to space science, astronomy, interstellar observation, space technology, and anything happening outside this planet.

Storms on Jupiter are disturbing the planet's colorful belts: Radio, IR and optical observations show evolution of plumes and their impact on belts and zones

Thanks to coordinated observations of the planet in January 2017 by six ground-based optical and radio telescopes and NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, a University of California, Berkeley, astronomer and her colleagues have been able to track the effects of these storms -- visible as bright plumes above the planet's ammonia

Near-Earth asteroid 2006 QV89 not a threat for next century: Critical observation made on Maunakea during first night of return to operations

Observations of the near-Earth asteroid 2006 QV89 made on August 11 with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) have ruled out any potential future impact threat to Earth by this asteroid for the next century. 2006 QV89 was discovered on August 29, 2006, with a telescope in Arizona, and observations were only

Young Jupiter was smacked head-on by massive newborn planet: Jupiter's core may still be reeling from collision 4.5 billion years ago

Astronomers from Rice University and China's Sun Yat-sen University say their head-on impact scenario can explain Juno's previously puzzling gravitational readings, which suggest that Jupiter's core is less dense and more extended that expected. "This is puzzling," said Rice astronomer and study co-author Andrea Isella. "It suggests that something happened

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