New Study “Strongly Suggests” Giving COVID-19 Patients Vitamin C & Quercetin A study published last month in "frontiers in immuology" strongly suggest the combined administration of Vitamin C & Quercetin for Covid-19 patients.
Nondual Awareness and Minimal Phenomenal Experience Numerous authors have marshaled evidence for a consciousness devoid of content, during which perspectival structure itself is nearly or entirely dissolved (e.g., Baars, 2013;Forman, 1998;Josipovic, 2019;Metzinger, 2018;Millière, 2018;Miskovic, 2019;Windt, 2014). Such states offer a singular opportunity for isolating the most minimal structure
Ex Monsanto Genetic Engineer Warns About Potential Health Risks of GMO Potatoes Caius Rommens was a director at Simplot Plant Sciences where he led the development of the company's genetically engineered Innate potato.He is also a former longtime Monsanto team leader.
WHO Data Suggests It’s “Very Rare” For COVID-19 To Spread Through Asymptomatic People New statements from the World Health Organization admit what many censored scientists kept saying, that this virus does not spread as easily as was assumed.
“The People Rushed Out of the Church & Saw In The Sky A Ship With Men on Board” – Gervase of Tilbury, 1211 In the 13th century, from England, during the year the year 1211, Gervase of Tilbury, a chronicler of historical events and strange, unexplainable phenomenon, documented what appears to be a possible encounter with 'people' from 'elsewhere.' Have we been 'watched' since the beginning? Picture above: The Miracle of the
A Genetic Study That Challenges Darwin’s Theory of Evolution If you have been following genetic and epigenetic studies conducted within the edifices of modern science over the past couple of decades, you likely have suspected what I am about to tell you: Mr.
The Moon May Not Be What We Think It Is – There Are Still Many Unanswered Questions In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a paper stating it's more likely that the moon is hollow than not.MIT's Sean C.
A European Electric Car That Charges Itself With Sunlight Can Now Be Reserved For A 2021 Delivery A Dutch company has unveiled an electric car that charges itself with via solar power.
Tap Water Samples From Nations Around The World Are Contaminated With Plastic Fibres An investigation by Orb Media had tap water samples from more than a dozen nations around the world analyzed by scientists, and they found that a shocking 83 percent of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres. Should plastic manufacturing be illegal now, especially given the fact that it can
US Gov Grants Patents For An Anti-Gravity Craft That Alters The Space-Time Around It The US Government has granted patents to multiple inventors, including the US Navy for technology that breaks the laws of physics.
Study: The Human Body Responds To Sharp Changes In Solar & Geomagnetic Activity Multiple studies have shown how changes In solar geomagnetic activity correlate with human biology.This is usually measured by autonomic nervous system activity.
8 Life Lessons From A 2000-Year-Old Guidebook – The Yoga Sutras Below, you will find 8 paths as described in the second book (out of four) of the Yoga Sutras, written by the Indian sage Patanjali about two thousand years ago.
If Our DNA Is Being Sold, Shouldn’t We Make The Profit? Companies like 23andMe, and others are collecting your DNA data and can sell the data to third party companies.
Full Moon In Leo: Passion & Purpose We are having a Full Moon in Leo on February 8th/9th, depending on your location.This is the peak of the Lunar cycle that began with a New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th/25th.
Galaxies Millions of Light Years Apart Seem To Be Connected By Invisible “Large Scale Structures” A study published in The Astrophysical Journal in October found that hundreds of galaxies were rotating in sync with the motions of galaxies that were tens of millions of light years away.