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USAID funded Soros who funded far-left agendas in Europe and Latin America

Ironically, many of the organisations receiving funding from USAID are non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) that actually receive most of their funding from the government. One such NGO that has received funding from USAID is George Soro

USAID funded Soros who funded far-left agendas in Europe and Latin America

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Ironically, many of the organisations receiving funding from USAID are non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) that actually receive most of their funding from the government.  

One such NGO that has received funding from USAID is George Soros’ Open Societies Foundation (“OSF”), which has attached strings to humanitarian aid requiring that recipients of aid sign on to a far-left political agenda.  In some countries, this has had devastating consequences.

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The following has been paraphrased from the article ‘Soros and USAID Have Been a Match Made in Hell’ published by The Daily Economy.  You can read the full article HERE.

Evidence has emerged that Soros, his OSF and their affiliates have received US taxpayer money through USAID, with USAID making the OSF a main implementer of its aid.  This partnership has been used to promote “progressive” stances on issues such as gay and transgender rights, legalising prostitution and decriminalising drugs in countries around the world.

Decades of data show that USAID funds have not improved economic growth and development in the countries funded and some of the most destructive activities of USAID include its collaboration with the OSF in countries such as Albania, where $60 million was spent on “justice reform” efforts that ultimately helped the ruling Socialist Party consolidate power.

USAID-Soros Impact in Albania, North Macedonia, Guatemala

The USAID-Soros partnership has had devastating results in Albania, with the judicial reform efforts completed in 2016 leaving the public without a functioning Constitutional Court and High Inspectorate of Justice for nearly four years.  It resulted in a massive backlog of over 100,000 legal cases that would take two decades to clear, with the Supreme Court having only half of the judges it needs, and Appeals Courts and Courts of First Instance having only a quarter of the judges required.

The High Judicial Council in Albania outsourced the administration of Supreme Court case files to the East-West Management Institute – which is funded by George Soros and USAID and is run by the ex-wife of the country’s leader, Rama, who is also a former OSF Chair – highlighting the deep connections between Soros and USAID in Albania.

In North Macedonia, Soros, through his Foundation Open Society Macedonia (“FOSM”) and with the support of USAID, established media outlets and 80 organisations to promote left-wing propaganda including think tanks, journalist associations, and groups advocating for abortion, drugs and LGBT rights, ultimately contributing to a Colour Revolution that aimed to overthrow the conservative government.

In Guatemala, a Judicial Watch report revealed that USAID has funnelled millions of dollars into programmes aligned with OSF’s objectives, with Soros networks spending over $100 million in Latin America since 2015, primarily focusing on “justice reform” and funding initiatives that have been used to target right-wing leaders and promote far-left “reforms.”

The collaboration between Soros and USAID has led to increased corruption, with public works projects in Albania costing 6-8 times more than similar projects financed by European Banks, and has also resulted in the resignation of right-wing leaders in Guatemala, such as Otto Perez Molina and Jimmy Morales, who were targeted by Soros-funded organisations.

OSF has denied receiving funding from USAID or directing the funding of a multibillion-dollar US government agency.  However, evidence suggests otherwise and the paper trail indicates a significant level of collaboration and funding between Soros and USAID in various countries.

Featured image: George Soros with his son Alexander who took control of the Open Society Foundation in 2023.  Source: The Washington Post

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