Siri, Am I Anti-Science? This story is about the absurdity of the preposterous mandate to just “ trust the science ” as if it were a non-partisan set of static truths.
America First Legal Launches Investigation into Multi-State Censorship Collusion with Foreign Leftist Group America First Legal, the advocacy organization led by former Trump White House official Stephen Miller, has launched a multi-state investigation into collusion between Democrat attorneys general and the leftist Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) to censor Americans. Funded by a pro-China investment entity, the CCDH is a British nonprofit
Every Mask is a Nail in the Coffin of Humanity Aren’t you tired hearing about masks? Mask-talk is almost as ubiquitous as Hitler-talk.
Zambia: Clean Up Toxic Lead Waste at Mine Site (Johannesburg) – The Zambian government should make comprehensive efforts to clean up the contaminated former lead mine in Kabwe, the capital of Zambia’s Central province, Environment Africa and Human Rights Watch said today. The organizations released a video in which youth activists from Environment Africa describe life in a dangerously
Psychedelics and neonihilism: connectedness in a meaningless world The resurgence of psychedelic research explicitly targets treating mental health conditions largely through psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy.
Billionaire Stands to Make Millions From Addiction Treatment Editor's Note: This article is a reprint.
Climategate 3.0: Hero speaks and releases a new cache of emails proving Climate Change Fraud In 2009, emails were leaked from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. This was referred to as Climategate. In 2011, in what was referred to as Climategate 2, nearly two years after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal, a second batch of 5,000 emails were leaked.
FACT CHECK: No Evidence to Support Mainstream Media Claim of “Hottest Day on Earth for 125k Years”; It’s Propaganda Recently, a claim has circulated across major news outlets stating that “today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years back when Neanderthals were roaming the planet.” Is this statement accurate? We’ve looked into the science behind this claim to bring you the facts. Let’s not
Climate engineering is a real and present threat to humanity For geoengineering expert Dane Wigington, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat against humanity. He made this remark during an appearance on the Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams. Wigington told Adams: “The greatest and the most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm is climate engineering.
Climategate 2.0: “The science” is dependent on manipulation of facts and data In 2011, nearly two years after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal, a new batch of 5,000 emails were leaked. These emails were among scientists central to the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis i.e., anthropogenic global warming. Three themes emerged from the new batch
Cruise Ship 5 Times Larger Than Titanic Deemed a 'Monstrosity' The world’s largest cruise ship five times larger than the Titanic has been deemed a “monstrosity” for its gargantuan size.
Cow Flatulations & Daffodils In a stream of consciousness world there are no paddles for your boat. There will come a time when you’re sitting in a smoke-filled place from the out of control wildfires, the chicken balls you had for lunch might be crickets in disguise, the cat and the dog both
The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.” GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada
Turkey: End the Gezi Trial Injustice (Istanbul, July 12, 2023) – An opinion by a prosecutor at Turkey’s top court of appeal asking the court to uphold the conviction of jailed rights defender Osman Kavala and his codefendants in the Gezi trial is completely devoid of legal reasoning and perpetuates a deep injustice, Human Rights Watch
Exclusive – The 1792 Exchange Exposes How Left Exploits 'Stakeholder Capitalism' to Advance Agenda Paul Fitzpatrick, president of the 1792 Exchange, said on Breitbart News Daily that the left has exploited “stakeholder capitalism” to advance their agenda by using corporations.