6 Psychological Effects of Losing a Mother Losing a mother can certainly have a profound effect on your life.
Why Flavonoids Are the Key to a Sharp Mind STORY AT-A-GLANCE Recent research has again highlighted the importance of eating a wholesome whole foods diet.
Poland: Lawmaker Faces Charges for Pro-Choice Protest (Berlin) – Poland’s government should immediately drop charges against a member of parliament who participated in a pro-choice protest and stop targeting reproductive rights activists, Human Rights Watch said today. On November 29, 2022, the Toruń prosecutor’s office charged Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, a member of the Left (Lewica) party, with
How Vitamin C Is Effective in Treating Inflammatory Issues STORY AT-A-GLANCE Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient that's also known as ascorbic acid.
Vitamins C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment STORY AT-A-GLANCE Remember when Washington Post reporters were boldly declaring that vitamins C and D could not (and should not) be used against respiratory infections? The information I was sharing about their use was deemed so dangerous to public health that I was branded as a "fake news" site by
New Study on Vitamin D Combating COVID STORY AT-A-GLANCE Optimizing your vitamin D level is a foundational element to lower your risk of COVID-19.
Elon Musk Says Neuralink Is Almost Ready to Implant Brain Chips that No One Thinks Are Good for Society Elon Musk’s brain chip company Neuralink aims to start implanting its brain implants into human patients within six months.
Ghana: Chaining People with Mental Health Conditions Persists (Abuja) – Ghana’s government has taken inadequate steps to end the chaining and inhumane treatment of people with real or perceived mental health conditions – psychosocial disabilities – in faith-based and traditional healing centers despite a 2017 ban on such treatment, Human Rights Watch said today. A decade after the adoption of
Veritas: Biden's Border Rules Fuel Child Prostitution, Child Labor Teenage girls are being imported from poor countries for prostitution via President Joe Biden’s easy migration rules, a government employee told Project Veritas.
Up to One in Four Teens Have Mental Disorders Post-Lockdown - NHS Up to one in four teenagers who lived through Britain’s on-and-off lockdowns now have mental disorders, data released by the NHS has revealed.
Nutrition and Natural Strategies Offer Hope Against COVID-19 STORY AT-A-GLANCE In this interview, repeat guest Dr.
US Environmental Agency Needs a Reproductive Justice Hero A letter signed by 28 organizations this week is asking the United States Environmental Protection Agency to establish a reproductive justice expert position within its environmental justice division.
The Australian Government Lied: Doctors are NOT covered by Government’s indemnity for Covid Injections Last week Elizabeth Hart wrote to Mark Butler, Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care, about the government misleading health practitioners who are administering Covid injections into believing they are covered by a government medical indemnity scheme. “It has now been confirmed by your department that health practitioners are not
Trending Ancient Wellness Tips and Practices STORY AT-A-GLANCE As holistic health gains hold, a number of ancient wellness practices are being embraced and promoted.