The Healing Potential Of Non-Ordinary States Of Consciousness Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist with over 60 years of experience in research of non-ordinary states of consciousness.
A 5000 Year Old Aboriginal Cave Painting of The “Wandjina.” Known As ‘The Sky Beings’ 5000 year old cave art from Australia depicts strange beings that resemble what many perceive to represent the modern day 'Gray Alien.' These beings were known as Wandjina, cloud spirits and sky beings. Ancient cave art depicting peculiar beings has been found all over the world, dating back thousands
NASA’s Discovery of Magnetic Portals That “Open & Close” Every Day May Connect to Ancient Esoteric Knowledge Jack Scudder’s investigation into X-points could provide a correlation to why ancient sites from the past where established on the earth’s ley line system.
5 Important Books The ‘Deep State’ Wants Buried – According To NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller has helped to create a publishing company with a 'Forbidden Bookshelf' where books are chosen for e-book publication based on having critical truths to tell but have in many ways been marginalized and suppressed by the Deep State. How would our world be different if we overcame
10 Great Conscious Films That Aired In 2019 – If You’re Looking For A Good Film To Watch While consciousness-uplifting films are still vastly outnumbered by what Hollywood typically creates, here are some surprising gems from 2019 that are more than worth watching in 2020.
Quantum Experiment Sheds Light On The Metaphysical Properties of Human DNA In 1995, scientists placed human DNA inside a sealed, air tight tube with photons.
The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State narrative management The Big Reveal for the Washington Post this week is the release of the Afghanistan Papers.
30-Year Study Finds Weekly Use Of Disinfectants Greatly Increases Your Chances Of Lung Disease A 30-year study conducted by Harvard researchers and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research determined that people who use disinfectants just once a week have a 22-32% of developing lung disease. There are many other natural alternatives out there these days. Some are listed in the article,
How Collective Consciousness Can Change The Entire Human Experience Science has demonstrated that there is an energy field that connects us all, and that at its core, all matter is consciousness.Collective Consciousness plays a huge role in how our world functions.
Joe Rogan May Take Down The Original Criticism Of “The Game Changers” Documentary Joe Rogan recently had James Wilks, the maker of "The Game Changers" documentary on to discuss the benefits of a plant base diet and to refute a previous episode where Chris Kresser debunked it.
Research Suggests Many Diagnosed With ADHD May Not Actually Have A “Disorder” The fact that ADHD is diagnosed strictly on behavioural characteristics and not brain imaging or other science means that many who have this label don't formally have a neurodevelopmental disorder.
The Brown Mountain Lights – An Unexplained ‘Paranormal’ Phenomenon That’s Happened For Centuries The "Brown Mountain Lights" have been an observed phenomenon in North Carolina for a very long time.
What Can Happen To Your Body When You Ingest Okra Multiple studies show that Okra can have some amazing benefits.
What Your Tree Zodiac Sign Says About You – According To Celtic Druid Astrology The system of Celtic tree astrology greatly differs from the North American zodiac signs we typically write about.
Prime Minister Of Iceland Calls For Prioritizing “Well-Being” Of Citizens Over GDP Leaders from Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand join forces to prioritize a new agenda for the well-being of the citizens of these nations.