Guy Fawkes Day: The History Behind the Gunpowder Plot “Remember remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.” Everyone in the UK celebrates Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th of November.We huddle around bonfires.
Monkey Sharpens Rock & Uses It To Smash Through Glass Enclosure At Zoo At a zoo in China, a monkey uses a rock to smash its glass enclosure in what appears to be an attempted escape.
Julian Assange Has Been Subjected To Torture & Violations Of Due Process Rights – UN A team on behalf of the UN has determined that Julian Assange has been subjected to psychological torture and has not received due process.Corporate media is ignoring the story completely.
The Origin of Halloween and Its Forgotten Ancient Roots Halloween brings jack-o-lanterns, candy, and decorations, but, do we really know anything about this holiday’s origin? The history of the beginning of Halloween is debated among many people, groups and spiritualists. So, you might say that Halloween has more than one origin. The historical origins are usually considered the
California’s First Surgeon General: Screen Every Student For Childhood Trauma California's first surgeon general Dr.
The Implosion Of Building 7 Remains The Irrefutable “Smoking Gun” Of A 9/11 Inside Job A new four-year computer modeling study of WTC 7’s collapse has concluded that it would have been impossible for the building to collapse simply as a result of office fires.
Brexit Battle: The Tumultuous Timeline Brexit is not being implemented as quickly and easily as advocates on the winning side of the referendum would want.
First Responders Urge Congress to Reopen 9/11 Investigation On September 11th of this year, Franklin Square Fire Commissioner and 9/11 first responder Christopher Gioia and others held a press conference urging conference to open up a new 9/11 investigation as there are still many questions unanswered. Why has the US government continually ignored the evidence and
New National Security Advisor Shows Dangerous is the New Normal Or: Why one must be evil to be a “leading scholar of International Relations” O Brien addressing the UN. Robert O’Brien is a respected authority on international relations and now replaces John Bolton as U.S. President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor. He is a neoconservative who feels that Barack Obama wasn’t nearly enough of a neocon. However, the differences between
The Very Book The Government Does Not Want You To Read Just Went #1 In The World Edward Snowden recently released a book titled "Permanent Record." The US government is now suing the publisher of the book for not giving the CIA and the NSA a chance to erase classified details from the book. What is the government really protecting? Are they protecting the well being of
Let’s Look At Both Sides Of The Hong Kong Protests From the perspective of Mainland China, the protests in Hong Kong are fundamentally the result of Western interference and attempts at a 'soft recolonization' of Hong Kong.
The Official 9/11 Explanation is The Greatest “Coincidence Theory” Ever The evidence around what happened on 9/11 suggests that either we are being lied to when it comes to the official story or 9/11 contained events creating the greatest coincidence of all time.
Fire Did Not Cause WTC7 To Collapse, New Study Finds A draft report of a new study from the University of Alaska Fairbanks has been published.
An Unprecedented Level Of Panic Is Being Demonstrated By Epstein’s Elite Friends Since his death, many of Jeffrey Epstein's elite friends have uneasily tried to avoid scrutiny and distance themselves from Epstein.
Study Proving “Definitively” That Fire Didn’t Bring Down WTC Building 7 To Be Released Tomorrow Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dr.