The Last Words of Stephen Hawking Addressed to Humanity For those who haven’t read Stephen Hawking’s latest and final book, I’m here to share his last words and a few of his ideas about humanity.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 27: The Testament) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
Ask Yourself: Would Would You Do If Money Didn’t Matter? What Would You Do If It Didn’t Exist? Alan Watts delivers a speech that puts into question the idea of money and what we are all doing here on planet Earth.
32 Thoughts That Can Help You Achieve Anything 9 years ago I made a choice, that choice changed the rest of my life.What I realize today is that same choice is one that many face and are very afraid to consider.I want to help shift that today.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 26: The Banker) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
8 Life Lessons From A 2000-Year-Old Guidebook – The Yoga Sutras Below, you will find 8 paths as described in the second book (out of four) of the Yoga Sutras, written by the Indian sage Patanjali about two thousand years ago.
Joaquin Phoenix Drives Another Dagger Into The Heart Of The Dying Dairy Industry In Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar speech, he chose to use his influence and platform to raise awareness about our relationship with nature and how that must change.
The Cult of Spiritual Materialism: Have You Become Its Victim? Spiritualism is growing in popularity as we seek more answers and comfort in these trying times.Unfortunately, no everyone is following the spiritual path for the right reasons, or in a genuine way.
Why Mainstream Critics Turned Against Joker The Oscars are happening as we speak, and I’m a little embarassed to say I want Joker to win.
Thinking You’re “Ugly” Can Damage Your Well-Being: It’s So Important To Develop Self Love This TED Talk perfectly displays why perceiving yourself as “ugly” can have a negative impact on you and why it’s so important to develop self.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 25: The Flower) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
How Science Arrived at the Doorstep of Spirituality Quantum science today is showing us that our collective thoughts and intentions can have an impact on our physical world and environment.
Oxford Scientist Explains Why Starting Work & School Before 10AM Is Not Healthy Dr.Paul Kelley of Oxford University urges the necessity for societal change, in which work and school times reflect the natural body clocks of humans.
Full Moon In Leo: Passion & Purpose We are having a Full Moon in Leo on February 8th/9th, depending on your location.This is the peak of the Lunar cycle that began with a New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th/25th.
There Is Good Evidence That Clutter Causes Anxiety & Stress Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter shares 8 reasons that stress may ensue from a cluttered environment.