Black & White Drawings That Depict The Beauty of What Many Are Afraid of – Being Single Beautifully produced by Mexico-based illustrator Idalia Candelas depict some perks of being single.
Will We Eventually Be Interacting With Our Technology Telepathically? In his book, Conscious Universe, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) Dr.Dean Radin describes his experience working with and developing psi technology.
9 Million Deaths Per Year Linked To Pollution Make It One Of The World’s Most Profuse Killers According to study published in the Lancet, one of out every six premature deaths in the world in 2015 — about 9 million — was attributed to disease from toxic environmental exposure.
The Importance of Teaching Empathy To Children At its simplest, empathy is the awareness of the feelings and emotions of other people.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 24: The Map) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
Time Spent In Nature Will Save $6 Trillion Globally In Mental Health Care Costs, Claim Australian Researchers Spending time outdoors can have a drastically positive impact on our mental health.
A Message For People Who Fear Being Alone We all have issues.Some people feel that they are not worth much of anything, or feel that the world is not on their side.
3 Inexpensive Things That Have Changed My Life For The Better From retreats to workshops to masterclasses there are plenty of expensive ways for us to potentially change our lives for the better.
Did You Know That Baby Carrots Are Treated With Chlorine? Baby carrots are washed in a dilute chlorine bleach solution to clean them.
Galaxies Millions of Light Years Apart Seem To Be Connected By Invisible “Large Scale Structures” A study published in The Astrophysical Journal in October found that hundreds of galaxies were rotating in sync with the motions of galaxies that were tens of millions of light years away.
EU Commission Bans Bayer Pesticide That’s Harming Bees Another harsh chemical has been banned in the European Union, which has been found to harm bees.
Remember This When You Forget How ‘Powerful’ You Are We all feel down at some point in our lives.Sometimes just a simple reminder of our true essence can bring everything into perspective, like the 28 quotes below.
19 One-Sentence Reminders To Help You With Your Depression 9 of these statements apply to each and every one of us.
Fragrance/Perfumes Are Being Labelled As The New ‘Second Hand Smoke’ Regulation on cosmetics and fragrances, like perfumes, are not quite strong and a host of toxic substances are used in their manufacturing.
Retired American Bishop Believes The Church Invented Hell & Is In The “Control Business” Below is a video of Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church explaining that religion is a business and it is used as a control mechanism.