Negative Thinking Can Be An Addiction – Here’s How How You Can Break The Cycle We all think negative thoughts on a regular basis as our minds are wired to do so.This is a habit that we can gain control over, the first step is awareness.
The 10 Spiritual Realms According To An Ancient Japanese Buddhist Priest One night in the early days of my six-month tenure managing a holistic healing retreat center in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico, our community gathered as we always do for the evening activity.
“I Was Aware of Everything” – The Man Who Woke Up After 12 Years In A Vegetative State Martin Pistorious had a normal childhood growing up in South Africa in the late 70’s.But everything would change for the worse when Martin was 12.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 16: The Choreographer) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
Studies on Plants Suggest Consciousness Exists As A Separate Entity From The Brain Monica Gagliano, a thirty-seven-year-old animal ecologist at the University of Western Australia has conducted multiple experiments with plants that suggest they are a living, thinking, feeling and emotional beings. Does consciousness reside in all things? Is a brain necessary to posses consciousness? Is consciousness dependant on a brain? When it
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 15: The Mayor) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
What Is Perennial Philosophy and How It Can Open Your Mind Perennial philosophy is a strand of philosophical thought prevalent in culture since the Renaissance.
Carl Jung Explains How The Cosmos Affect Human Consciousness Carl Jung's thoughts on on how the cosmos affect human consciousness is quite clear.He spoke about this topic a number of times, and other researchers have expressed and cited this as well.
The Unknown Origin of Thanksgiving: a Dark Story You Didn’t Learn in School The holiday of Thanksgiving may seem straightforward with turkey and stuffing but has an uglier side that many are unaware of...
Verbal Assault: Another Form of Abuse That Can Be Similar To Physical Abuse Words can hurt.Unwelcome verbal assaults hurt even more.Notice if you feel entitled to verabalize to another when they don't want to hear it.
4 Ways Epicurean Philosophy Can Help You Be More Happy Epicurean philosophy has been one of the most influential schools in philosophy to guide what really makes people happy.
3 Ways Freedom of Thought Is Being Compromised Today and What to Do Luckily, the majority of us have free speech, but what about freedom of thought? Surely we own our thoughts? There is nothing that can influence them? I mean, we are not living in some dystopian future where we have to monitor what we think. And as far as I’m
What Is Fear Appeal and How the Mass Media and Businesses Are Using It You may not have noticed it, but you are likely to have come across fear appeal tactics used by mass media and businesses that want your custom.
Two Prison Guards Have Been Charged & Implicated In The Death of Jeffrey Epstein Two prison guards have been implicated in the death of Jeffrey Epstein.
How Symbols and Meanings Affect Our Perception in the Modern World Do you get hungry when you see the golden arches of McDonald’s? Are you proud when you think about your National flag? You might not think these two things are connected, but they are.