Psychopharmacology: Studying How Drugs Affect the Mind and Behavior Psychopharmacology is what happens when chemistry meets psychology.It is the science of how psychoactive substances alter the mind.
Covid19 & the denial of veridical reality It probably hasn’t passed anyone by that the covid19 crisis, whether manufactured or exploited, has caused great schisms in the alternative media. Almost from day one there was a divide between those who opted to accept and even endorse the rollout of authoritarian measures by governments around the world
High Levels of Damage Have Been Discovered In Trees Near Cell Phone Towers Multiple studies have raised concerns about different types of unnatural radiation and how it's impacting not only human health, but environmental health.
A phenomenological paradigm for empirical research in psychiatry and psychology: Open questions This article seeks to clarify the way in which phenomenology is conceptualized and applied in empirical research in psychiatry and psychology, emphasizing the suitability of qualitative research. It will address the What, Why, and How of phenomenological interviews, providing not only preliminary answers but also a critical analysis, and pointing
Psychedelics Optimize the Brain at Rest Sleeping must have an essential, universal function if we spend so many of our hours doing it.
Babies are High: What Does LSD Do To Your Brain What does LSD do to your brain? Well we might have an answer for that.Scientists found that the brains of adults on LSD look like the mind of a baby.
Babies are High Scientists found that the brains of adults on LSD look like the mind of a baby. LSD and babies, though it might seem farfetched at first, babies are tripping their way through infancy.
Psychedelics Produce Enduring Antidepressant Effects in Rats Research investigating the antidepressant potential of psychedelics has blossomed in recent years.
Everything I Know: 42 Hours of Buckminster Fuller’s Visionary Lectures Free Online (1975) A 42-hour lecture series titled Everything I Know, by Buckminister Fuller, is now available to download at the Internet Archive.
Hindsight Bias: Why We Overestimate Our Ability to Predict Events They say hindsight is a wonderful thing, but don’t you just hate it when people say things like ‘I told you that would happen’ or ‘I just knew it all along’? Are they particularly gifted in their ability to see into the future or predict the past? I’m
5 Proven Ways Mindfulness Will Strengthen Your Mental Health Mindfulness is your ability to bring awareness to experiences, feelings, and emotions.
6 Worst Pandemics in History and What We Can Learn Some of the worst pandemics in history have taken millions of lives.
What Is Willful Ignorance & 5 Examples of How It Works Willful ignorance is built on the deliberate avoidance of evidence that doesn’t match one’s existing beliefs.
Known Unknowns vs Unknown Unknowns: Two Sides of Ignorance If I asked you how a CD worked, how confident would you feel in explaining it to me? Let’s say from 1-10? A 7, 8 perhaps? Okay, go on then, explain it, but in so much detail that I completely understand. Not so confident now? We’re talking about
5 Benefits of Slow Thinking, According to Science In a world where everything inexorably requires us to speed up, most people’s intuition tells them that being faster is better.