Brazil: Uphold the Right to Vote Freely and Safely (São Paulo) – Brazilian authorities should ensure that Brazilians can exercise their right to vote freely and safely in the October 2022 elections.
Yes, 30000 Scientists Signed a Petition to Reject the Global Warming Agreement We are at the rise of the Climate Change and Net Zero technocratic control nightmare. Thousands of websites out there claim the scientific consensus on the global threat that Climate Change means for humanity. Let's remind ourselves "Science is not about consensus, it is about facts".
Climate Change Hoax Exposed by Scientists It is becoming clear for more and more people that the Climate Change political push is strongly driven by social control means.
Sri Lanka: Revoke Sweeping New Order to Restrict Protest (New York) – The Sri Lankan government should reverse a new regulation that unlawfully restricts protests in large areas of the capital, Colombo, Human Rights Watch said today.
Antichrist Predictive Programming Imagine yourself in the first century, when the events that surrounded the life and times of the Jewish religious leader, Jesus Christ took place. Now copy and paste into that era all the technological and digital advancements of the 21st century.
Algeria: Free Activist Granted Refugee Status in Tunisia (Tunis) – Algerian authorities should immediately release Slimane Bouhafs, an Algerian activist who disappeared a year ago from Tunisia and is now detained under investigation by an Algerian court, and ensure his freedom to leave the country, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today. Bouhafs had been living in Tunisia
UN Rights Body Rules Australia Failed to Protect from Climate Change The United Nations Human Rights Committee on September 23 found that the Australian government had violated the rights of Indigenous Torres Strait Islanders by failing to adequately protect them against the adverse impacts of climate change. The groundbreaking decision of the committee, an independent expert body that monitors state compliance
Moon Magic: Libra New Moon New Moons are the perfect opportunity to initiate new ideas and intentions into the world! We are reminded during this time that when we take action to nourish our mind and body we create fertile ground for new seeds to grow. The energy of a Libra new moon is Yang
Admit You’re Wrong, Or Die OK, so maybe (maybe) not so dramatic as that, but come on people, alright already, you’re wrong, admit it and start what you need to do to heal! With people dropping left and right, diseases and cancer on the rise, excess deaths, heart issues, clotting, if many people don’
Breitbart Business Digest: Leftwing Climate Extremism Still Wants Control of Finance The danger of the idea that financial institutions should impose the climate change agenda of the global left was highlighted this week by three events.
Furious Climate Activists Seek to Oust Trump Appointed David Malpass from World Bank Furious leftists are gunning for the Trump-appointed head of the World Bank after he refused to immediately recite the left-elite orthodoxy on climate change.
Deafening Silences: propaganda through censorship, smearing and coercion There is a case to be made that the most important part of any propaganda campaign is the drive to ensure that certain voices, claims and arguments either never see the light of day or otherwise remain contained within “fringe” or “alternative” circles. Since the start of the COVID event,