Exclusive: Media Research Center's Censortrack Database Documents 6,000+ Online Censorship Cases The Media Research Center (MRC)’s Censortrack database, which tracks online censorship, has surpassed 6,000 cases.
Best Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients Infiammation is your body's built-in emergency response to assaults resulting in injury or infection.
UAW Strike: 34K Auto Workers on Picket Line While Few Americans Back GM, Ford, and Stellantis The United Auto Workers (UAW) strike has expanded again with roughly 34,000 American auto workers now striking across the United States while few Americans, a poll finds, back General Motors (GM), Ford, and Stellantis in the conflict. Late Wednesday evening, 8,700 UAW members at Ford’s Kentucky truck
Elon Musk's Neuralink Implant 'Ruptured' a Monkey's Brain - but He Says Its Ready for Humans A recent investigation has unveiled a harrowing incident involving the results of Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain implant trial on macaque monkeys, sparking a debate about if the technology is ready for human trials. In one gruesome incident, the implant caused a monkeys brain to “rupture,” leading to its untimely
Voters are noticing renewables are not cheap and it’s making politicians re-think their strategy A key claim of the green energy movement has long been that the intermittent “renewables” – wind and solar – provide the cheapest form of energy. This is not true. Climate alarmists fail to include the cost of energy storage and/or backup, the costs of overbuilding, and the costs of additional
If the Bilderbergers are a powerful think tank, where do they come from and what is the power behind them? The Bilderberg Group, formed in 1954, was founded in the Netherlands as a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.” Regular participants include
Syria: World Court Begins Watershed Torture Case (The Hague) – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearings on October 10 and 11, 2023 on state-sponsored torture in Syria since 2011 are critically important for advancing justice, Human Rights Watch said today. On June 8, the Netherlands and Canada filed a case with the court alleging that Syria is
Intro to the Bioenergetic Theory of Health In this video, I interview independent health researcher Jay Feldman, who has a podcast called "The Energy Balance Podcast." I recently came to understand the importance of the late Ray Peat's work, which I had previously dismissed for over three decades, largely due to confirmational bias. Peat was a biologist
Wind farms are destroying wildlife while environmental organisations accept millions of dollars from wind energy companies Governments worldwide have been trying to convince their people to ditch fossil fuel energy, “go green” and shift to renewable energy, particularly, wind power. However, the green cult seems to be covering up how these huge wind farms are killing wildlife. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big
HIV/AIDS was the Prequel to the COVID-19 Pseudopandemic. The COVID-19 pseudopandemic and the AIDS scam have many similarities and some of the same actors have been involved in both dramas.
Take Your Blood Pressure at Night While Lying Down Research presented at the September 2023 American Heart Association's (AHA) Hypertension Scientific Sessions in Boston revealed surprising findings about how taking blood pressure while lying down may offer a more accurate reading. High blood pressure increases your risk for stroke and heart disease, which are two leading causes of death
The Wide-Ranging Health Benefits of Quercetin Quercetin is one of more than 4,000 known fiavonoids, compounds that contribute to the bitterness, astringency, fiavor, aroma and oxidative stability of many fruits, berries and vegetables.