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Rules of the New Normal Germany: Don’t criticise the government and don’t compare it to Nazi Germany, even if it is strikingly similar

The Berlin Appellate Court overturned CJ Hopkin’s acquittal on 30 September. “I am now, officially, at least according to the New Normal German authorities, a ‘hate-speech’ criminal. I’m officially a ‘hate-speech’ criminal because I compared New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany, and I challenged the official covid narrative,

India plans a pilot project for facial recognition at airports for foreign nationals

India is set to launch an international pilot project for Digi Yatra in June 2025, which will introduce facial recognition technology and e-passports for foreign nationals travelling to and from the country. The system utilises facial recognition technology to verify passenger identities at various checkpoints, including check-in, security and boarding

200 German doctors who issued face mask exemptions were put on a state blacklist with shocking consequences

A “blacklist” of around 200 German doctors who issued mask exemptions was compiled by authorities, leading to house searches and monitoring by state security of those on the blacklist. Many doctors have reported unannounced house searches, physical violence and psychological consequences, including imprisonment and death.  Financial implications include hefty fines

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