My Journey From Illness And Despair Towards Truth An awakening Whether religious or not, I think many readers here will relate to some of these experiences. In 2014 I was working for a UK organization which adjudicates financial disputes. The work was interesting, but the organization was going through a structural change which made no sense. Our work
Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace “But yet mathematical certainty is after all, something insufferable.
The Metaphysical as a Rational Option One thing I believe my bent toward metaphysics has prepared me for is when something that falls into the realm of the “unseen” then becomes “seen,” I don’t freak out.
The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism The rape of the natural world is the phallic-like invasion of scientism.
Every Mask is a Nail in the Coffin of Humanity Aren’t you tired hearing about masks? Mask-talk is almost as ubiquitous as Hitler-talk.
Creating a World of Distrust I remember a time when people were left to their own devices when determining what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Remember “Bat Boy?” A strange Weekly World News (sister tabloid to the National Enquirer) creation set to terrorize and dismay. Did anyone really believe this? I doubt
July Fundraising Campaign: The Expose relies solely on your support… The Expose is facing unprecedented global censorship. Your support will not only help to keep us going but hopefully allow us to expand and compete with the Mainstream Media worldwide… July Fundraising Campaign Progress Please choose your preferred donation method You support is now more vital than ever so that
This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple I just saw a headline that was in line with the prevailing insanity, but it really seemed to be heavier than the usual straw lying on the camel’s back. “Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher” Telegraph, 18/6/23 Really? At the beginning
The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited) Greetings from Thoughtcriminal 231Js1736/23! That’s my official Thoughtcrime Case Number, which my attorney needs to reference in all our official correspondence with the New Normal Thoughtpolice. I think I’m going to silk-screen it on a T-shirt and wear it on my first day in Moabit Criminal Court,
The Fatal Error of Sheep I will start this article with an apology to those readers who lack a ense of humour similar to mine, as well as to those lovely big hearted folks who don’t like labeling of any sort (sheep and/or shrew). Regarding the term “sheep”—I have tried (and am
It is always about the children I hesitated to write this piece for two reasons: I’m not a member of the 2SLGBTQI* community and therefore do not know the experience and most importantly because this whole issue is a terribly divisive issue. Those who would prosper from pain are very good at divide and conquer.
Only idiots are still wearing face masks The corporate media has reported that face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline due to the build-up of carbon dioxide.