Thought-Provoking TED Talk Shows What Power Our Words Actually Have We speak, sometimes without even paying close attention to the words we say.Our words are sometimes babbling, and not really any form of instruction or description at all.
4 Examples of Sublimation That Demonstrate How It Works in Daily Life We all have thoughts and feelings which we know are ‘not okay’ by society’s standards.It’s a natural element of the human condition.
5 Benefits of Handwriting Compared to Typing, According to Science In the modern world, the prominence of smartphones, tablets, and computers means that we communicate via typing rather than the written word.
SpaceX’s Satellites Are Messing Up Astronomers’ Observations & It’s Just The Beginning. Satellites launched into space for faster internet speeds are interfering with astronomers' view of the sky, and space.
Ebooks vs Printed Books: Which Are Better for Your Brain, According to Science? Book enthusiasts have long defended the benefits of the printed word over ebooks.Yet, the arguments are frequently centered on the look and feel of a book.
5 Surprising Benefits of Thinking Aloud, Backed by Science Talking to yourself out loud is typically seen as a social faux pas.Indeed, we get encouraged to stop guiding our behavior by talking out load as we get older.
Do Binaural Beats Work? Here Is What Science Has to Say As humans who suffer from a multitude of disorders, we look for cures that work, so have we found healing in binaural beats? Being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder among other things, I’ve tried many so-called solutions and medications to improve my quality of life. I also tried yoga,
6 Unexpected Ways to Relieve Stress, According to Science Stress seems to be just a part of life these days.Whether it’s at work or at home, or on the commute between the two, stress can be unavoidable.
The Rosenhan Experiment That Shattered the Boundaries of Sanity In 1973, David Rosenhan published a psychological paper titled “On Being Sane in Insane Places”.This study became known famously as the Rosenhan Experiment.
Foreign Accent Syndrome: a Curious and Extremely Rare Brain Condition Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is a rare speech disorder that can happen after a head injury, stroke, or some other form of damage to the brain and sees you suddenly start speaking with a different accent beyond your control. This condition is extremely rare, with only around 100 people known
The Psychology of Obedience: Why Do Some People Obey While Others Don’t? Law and order keep us safe and under control.For the most part, we can all get along with that.
How Symbols and Meanings Affect Our Perception in the Modern World Do you get hungry when you see the golden arches of McDonald’s? Are you proud when you think about your National flag? You might not think these two things are connected, but they are.
Mushrooms, The New Plastic Mushrooms can easily be viewed as natures recycling system. They have been around for billions of years and they greatly help to improve soil quality. They are effective as natures recycling system
Milgram Obedience Study and What It Reveals about Human Nature Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous series of experiments widely known as Obedience Study almost 60 years ago.
4 Most Interesting Memory Theories That Explain How Our Brain Works Memory has long been a concept too difficult to describe by even the smartest scholars.We have become more knowledgeable over time.