Scientists Uncovered 143 More Huge Ancient Drawings In Nazca, Peru A team of researchers from Yamagata University in Japan has just come across 143 More Huge Ancient Drawings In Nazca, Peru.
America’s Largest Milk Producer Files For Bankruptcy – Cow’s Milk Is Inhumane & Unhealthy Dean foods, the largest milk producer in the United States has filed for bankruptcy.
‘They’re Landing & Taking Off At A Tremendous Pace’ – Sadhguru On Life From “Somewhere Else” Sadhguru has commented on 'mystical' phenomenon for a while.He has speculated about life that originated from somewhere else, not Earth.
Full Moon In Taurus: Growth & Perseverance We are having a Full Moon in Taurus on November 12th at 1:34pm Universal Time.It will appear the fullest on the night of the 11th in the Americas and on the night of the 12th elsewhere.
The Man Who “Hacked” NASA & The AFSPC Gives A New Interview Describing What He Found Nearly two decades ago, Gary Mckinnon of the UK accesses nearly 100 NASA and Department of Defence, including the US Air Force Space command.
Wikileaks Document Reveals a “Secret US Base on the Moon” A document published by Wikileaks clearly implies that the United States had a "secret" base on the Moon that was destroyed by Russia.
History Made As Ocean Cleanup Successfully Collects First Plastic From The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Ocean Cleanup organization announced this week that their System 001/B vessel is capturing and collecting plastic debris in in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Full Moon In Aries: Change & Renewal We are having a Full Moon in Aries which will be exact on October 13th at 9:08pm Universal Time.
New Moon In Libra: Relationship Healing & Growth We are having a New Moon in Libra on September 28th in most parts of the world and on the 29th in Eastern Asia.
Extracting Energy From The Quantum Vacuum: Can Zero-Point Energy Power Our Planet? Quantum mechanics has discovered that "empty" space is not empty, and that it's full of energy.
Full Moon In Pisces: Navigating Ideals We are having a Full Moon in Pisces which will be exact at 4:33am Universal Time on September 14th 2019.
Defending the Amazon, Indigenous Rights & Planetary Integrity The tragedy currently taking place in the Amazon is indicative of a broader cultural problem in regards to our relationship with our planet.
China’s Rover Finds A Strange Unknown “Goo” On The Dark Side of The Moon A Chinese probe that landed on the far side of the Moon has come across a strange, liquid life substance.So far, they have no idea what it could be.
Thoth’s Prophecy Read From The Hermetic Texts – A Ten Minute Deeply Powerful & Inspiring Video Graham Hancock in partnership with After Skool narrates a 10 minute video about ancient prophecy and how it relates to what's happening today.