How Sleep Deprivation Impairs Cognitive Performance and Learning Could missing out on sleep be undermining your academic or work achievements? Recent studies suggest it's true.
Wrong Arm Position During Blood Pressure Checks Leads to Hypertension Misdiagnoses Accurate blood pressure measurements are more important than you might think.
Autumn Tea Rituals for Mugwort, Hawthorn, and Rose October, and the shift into autumn, summons deep transformation.It’s a time to celebrate the abundance of the year and honor death with some autumn tea rituals.
Aluminum Foil Is a Major Source of Aluminum Exposure, Studies Show Aluminum is everywhere in our modern world, from cookware to food packaging.
The Crucial Connection Between Animal Feed and Human Health In our modern quest for optimal health, we often focus intensely on what we put on our plates.
Natural climate variability caused the 2023 global warming spike of 0.29C A recently published paper found that the 2023 global warming spike was driven by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (“ENSO”). ENSO is an internal variability in the climate system (a natural climate variability) that comprises a positive phase, El Niño, and a negative phase, La Niña. It occurs every few
Why Your Gut Needs Carbs for Optimal Health In recent years, carbohydrates have become the ultimate dietary scapegoat, blamed for everything from obesity to chronic disease.
Multipolarism or the Consolidation of Globalism Why doesn’t Vladimir Putin fire all the Globalists in the Russian government? Rurik Skywalker asks.
DMSO Is a Miraculous Therapy for Pain and Tissue Injury Modern medicine often sidelines "miracle" drugs that work too well.
5 Plant Guardians for Lucid Dreaming Everwhen is time outside of time.It’s a way of understanding what many indigenous cultures refer to as the Dreaming, that space we all return to when we lay down for the night.
Florida: Barriers to Addressing Maternal Health Inequities (Miami) – The profound inequities in birth and maternal health outcomes between Black and white people in the US state of Florida point to the need for greater support for doula care, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 62-page report, “Witness, Ally, Advocate, Climate Worker: Doula Care
Net Zero is a scam, built on the myth of climate change Climate change and the Net Zero initiative is a scam.
The Sun, not CO2, drives the Earth’s climate, a new study says Experts analysing data in a report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPPC”) point to changes in the planet’s albedo – the fraction of the Sun’s energy reflected by Earth – as the factor driving the rise in global temperatures. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government
One World Government and Paedophilia A tweet posted last month discusses the Committee of 300, its aims of being a One World Government and the conditions its members will foment to bring it about. It lists the members as of 1991 and accuses the oligarchs who are involved in the Committee of 300 of controlling