Matthew Medinsky

Matthew Medinsky

The New Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams

What factor contributed significantly to the ineffectiveness of hospital protocols during COVID-19? * Hospitals prioritized natural therapies over pharmaceutical treatments * Financial incentives encouraged the use of unproven, profit-driven treatments like remdesivir Profit-driven protocols, such as remdesivir, were incentivized over effective alternatives, contributing to poor patient outcomes. Learn more. * Hospitals lacked adequate

Vitamin D and autoimmune diseases; a deficiency disrupts the foundation of our immune systems

Vitamin D deficiency disrupts thymus function and immune tolerance, triggering autoimmune diseases by allowing self-reactive T cells to escape into the bloodstream. Vitamin D enhances both innate and adaptive immunity by boosting antimicrobial peptides, suppressing inflammatory responses and promoting regulatory T cells that maintain immune balance. Beyond immune function, vitamin

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