The Magical Thinking and Dangers of Masks Are you prepared to wear masks forever? Some are, but their positive attitude toward masks is a likely result of deceptive and misleading information.
Report: Facebook Targeted Users with Low 'Digital Literacy' Skills with Violent and Explicit Posts According to a recent report, studies show that Facebook’s newsfeed algorithms targeted users with low digital literacy skills and purposefully sent them violent, disturbing, and sexually explicit content.
New Olympic Framework Backs Inclusion (New York) – A new framework published by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) promotes inclusion in sport, Human Rights Watch said today.
Our View about the Youth Activism on Climate: “I Am More Determined Than Ever” Children these days are indoctrinated toxic ideas which are (for now) very far from facts. These children will be the future slaves of the "Climatocracy" that is has being put in place since the last 10 years.
How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts.
The “Russian hacking” NATO psyop has finally been solved To professional analysts, it has long been clear that the “Russiagate” saga – including the “Russian hacking” claims, the Trump-Russia collusion claims, as well as the “Skripal poisoning incident” and the more recent “Navalny poisoning incident” – has been a US and NATO psychological operation aimed at containing a resurgent Russia and
UK’s “Daily Covid Deaths” didn’t die in one day & didn’t all have Covid The UK’s NHS England has been reporting “daily deaths” since back in March, and the media have been eagerly repeating them, drumming up fear just as the SAGE memos told them too. Granted, the UK media don’t talk much about deaths anymore, since they have slowed to a
Coronavirus Fact-Check #6: Does wearing a mask do anything? Governments around the world are enforcing facial coverings to prevent SARS-Cov-2 infection, but does the science support their use?
Coronavirus Fact-Check #3: Covid19 is 20x DEADLIER than the flu One of the buzz-stats doing the rounds says this novel virus is far more dangerous than influenza, does the science hold up?
Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation? Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia.