The Dark Days of Winter Out there the freezing rain settles crystals on the high snow and in the trees and dens the animals are warm and dreaming.
Analysis Shows Biased Reporting Towards Israeli Narratives. The mainstream media has long been known for its biased news reporting resulting in the control over public opinion which aligns with the partisan views of publications owners.
Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of Useless People Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth and was executed as a criminal in Jerusalem.
The Year of the Mindfuck Well, that’s pretty much it for 2023 … which I’m officially dubbing The Year of The Mindfuck. I am doing that against the advice of my attorney, who is (a) trying to keep me out of German prison for as long as possible, and (b) trying to stop me
Very Bad News About Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies The European Parliament and Member States have just reached an agreement on the introduction of digital identity.
Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms “But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until
COVID-19: How The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Unfolded The deliberately designed fake pandemic began in earnest in the middle of February 2020.
Climategate 3.0: Hero speaks and releases a new cache of emails proving Climate Change Fraud In 2009, emails were leaked from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. This was referred to as Climategate. In 2011, in what was referred to as Climategate 2, nearly two years after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal, a second batch of 5,000 emails were leaked.
No Evidence to Support Mainstream Media Claim of "Hottest Day on Earth for 125k Years" Recently, a claim has circulated across major news outlets stating that “today was the hottest day on Earth for 125,000 years back when Neanderthals were roaming the planet.” Is this statement accurate? We’ve looked into the science behind this claim to bring you the facts. Let’s not
Climategate 2.0: “The science” is dependent on manipulation of facts and data In 2011, nearly two years after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal, a new batch of 5,000 emails were leaked. These emails were among scientists central to the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis i.e., anthropogenic global warming. Three themes emerged from the new batch
No, we didn’t just have "The Hottest Week In 100,000 Years" The buzz in the Climate Change news is that the five hottest days in the last 100,000 years all happened last week, according to the World Meteorological Organization. You can read an article about it from Forbes: The Fourth of July was the hottest day on Earth in as
James Corbett Is Not Your Friend The following information is a presentation of evidence, based on factual details available in the public domain
Extreme Heat Signals Need for Inclusive Climate Action As the Northern Hemisphere again experiences a surge in extreme heat, I wonder if this summer will be different from the last, which The New York Times described as a summer of climate disasters.
Spain: Inadequate Response to Heatwaves (Brussels) – Extreme heat fueled by climate change and inadequate government response cause severe hardship and distress for people with disabilities, Human Rights Watch said today based on a study of the response in the summer of 2022 in Andalusia, Spain. More people face the risk of heat stress and even